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单词 dissect 例句大全,用单词dissect造句:

I oppose it that they are now going to dissect it until I do my report and then I see the Chief Commander.
我反对他们肢解它 一直到我发布报道和见到总指挥官
The cavity of ACAs in the vertical recti was larger and easier to dissect than those in the horizontal recti.
The method can be used to dissect the molecular requirements for organelle movement and membrane trafficking.
The skull base is identified, then the instrument is used to dissect the remaining ethmoid in a retrograde fashion.
Though there are plenty of sparrows, it is not necessary to dissect every one of them to dissect one or two is enough.
A study for the effect of quantity of postoperative pleural fluid drainage with different techniques to dissect the esophageal carcinoma.

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