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单词 direction 例句大全,用单词direction造句:

Dynamic evaluation is used to determine the motion in a direction at right angles to the observation direction.
The paleocurrent direction can be deduced by dip direction of cross laminae of glutenite interpreted on images.
根据图像解释的砂砾岩交错层理倾向, 可推断古水流方向。
Anisotropic are oriented in the manufacturing direction, and must be magnetized in the direction of orientation.
key left for the counterclockwise direction of rotation , and the right direction for the key clockwise rotation.
左方向键为逆时针转动, 右方向键为顺时针转动。
Research on Flow Direction of Conception Vessel by the Name of Acupoints on Conception Vessel in Chest and Abdomen
It has a speed in this direction, so theres also going to be a component of the resistive force in this direction.
It indicates that because of the spread of this proverb that the direction of relevant academic research is misled.
指出由于这句谚语的泛滥, 误导了相关学术研究的方向。
Mineral deposits in this area are distributed in belt with northeast direction and in row with northwest direction.
the electric motor change direction and should revolve a direction up with pump consistently, disallowing inversion.
电动机转向应与泵上旋转方向一致, 不允许倒转。
The indeterminate shoots distribute on horizontal direction more equally than longitudinal direction in tree canopy.
These were establishments of monks and nuns who lived in separate quarters under the direction of an abbess or abbot.
在中世纪时期, 修道院是知识和教育的中心。
Given such a state of affairs, we cannot and will not change our policy direction in the absence of proper conditions.
因此, 我们不能也不会在不适当的条件下改变政策方向。
The Relation between the Principal Direction on a Point of the Surface and the Principal Direction of the Quadric Curve
the advanced thermal insulation material, accord with energy conservation of the building technical development direction.
采用了高效保温材料, 符合建筑节能技术发展方向。
The direction of travel means the direction in which the Kago is moving on the Field while completing the tasks one by one.
The vibration signals indicate the vibration of the image capturing apparatus in the pitch direction and the yaw direction.
Multiple flow direction algorithms are more suitable than the single flow direction algorithms for simulating overland flow.
Both were susceptible, in the highest degree, of the sort of hideous progress which is accomplished in the direction of evil.
The full plastic and half plastic shutter can be opened by wind pressure, single direction linkage and double direction linkage.
The stuck needle, suppose it is due to excessive rotation in one direction, will be released by twirling in the opposite direction.
Pay attention to the turning direction of the milling cutter and the heading direction of the work table. Counter mill only usually.
The uniform speed ring flowmeter has high accuracy, large output differential pressure, uneasy plugging and insensitive current direction.
准确度高, 输出压差大, 不易堵塞, 对流向不敏感。
You would say the gravitational direction and so the water will say, Okay, fine, then this will be my surface and I want to go in this direction.
水会告诉我, 所以对于水, 它的水平面会是这样, 水会向上运动
If the direction from object to spherical surface is the same as the direction of light, the object distance uis positive. Otherwise it is negative.
实物物距为正, 虚物物距为负。
Observe how the trees give the appearance that the wind is blowing from right to left. However the direction of the rain shows the opposite direction.

单词 direction 释义

  • 单词释义:方向,趋势;动向;方面;目标;管理,指示;用法说明;导演指导  [更多..]



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