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单词 dinner 例句大全,用单词dinner造句:

She conditioned her acceptance of the gift on his coming to dinner next evening.
After the meeting we adjourn to the Rose Room of this hotel for a buffet dinner.
Mother accepted an invitation to a dinner party, but a headache made her beg off.
Her grandfather was a tyrant who insisted on absolute silence at the dinner table.
她祖父是个专横的人, 坚持吃饭时绝对禁止讲话。
The lady guest graciously accepted my arm and allowed me to take her in to dinner.
这位女宾很大方地挽住我得胳膊, 由我引她去进餐。
Day at Stissing Mt Middle School. Evening Adults attend Board of Education Dinner.
Wagg told the story at dinner very smartly, with wonderful accuracy of observation.
After the meeting, we will adjourn the Rose Room of this hotel for a buffet dinner.
The hour for dinner came and I was wedged at the table between and laughing adults.
marie well, i m going to finish feeding abby. i ll let you know when dinner s ready.
This hotel can accommodate special guests with a free buffet dinner during holidays.
I have to ask you to advance me the money for the dinner. I forgot my wallet at home.
The absurdities he uttered at the dinner party landed his wife in an awkward situation.
If you can't afford dinner or a movie, then ask her to meet you for dessert and coffee.
如果你付不起餐费或电影票, 就请她与你一起吃点心喝咖啡。
This was an embarrassing situation for the gentleman for he couldn't afford the dinner.
这位先生很尴尬, 因为他付不起晚餐得钱。
I've been invited to dinner this evening; I have invited somebody to dinner this evening.
After dinner, a friend was absent for our appointment. I moodily took a beer to the garden
During dinner everyone noticed Miss Pao's absence and teased Fang, asking him where she was.
晚饭时, 大家桌上没鲍小姐, 向方鸿渐打趣要人。
At home, after eating up the dinner, I will tidy up the cutlery to kitchen actively for mother.
在家中, 用完晚餐后, 我会主动帮妈妈收拾餐具到厨房。
For dinner that evening, Mr. Lin served two additional meat dishes, by way of reward to his employees.
This price is only available for dinner or lunch on Monday to Thursday, excluding dinner on auspicious days.
Provide meals up to the standard and ensure clean and tidy dinner sets and adequate amount and diversity of dishes.
按标准提供用餐, 确保餐具卫生清洁, 菜式量足丰富
Users are advised to after dinner and before going to bed at night on the water, with water and good insulation effect.
more than 200 companies have anted up between $15,000 and $ 1 million each for tickets, dinner with the cast and advertising recognition.
I’m having a party to celebrate my 28th birthday next Saturday. First, we are having dinner at 7 o’clock near Gangnam station. I need to know around how many people are coming in order to make dinner reservations, so please let me know asap. After dinner and a few drinks, we are going to Club Answer where I have a VIP table on the second floor. Just say my name to get free entrance. If you have any problems just call me on my cell 010-123-4567. Hope to see you guys on Saturday!

单词 dinner 释义

  • 单词释义:正餐,主餐;宴会;晚餐  [更多..]



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