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单词 dingy 例句大全,用单词dingy造句:

and i ll be stuck in some dingy flat with me manager joe ,
Not only that the planet swirl to dingy material early on it.
He set his alarm for three and stretched out on the dingy bed.
The dingy cottage was converted into a neat tasteful residence.
After he finished his dinner,he left for his small dingy room.
Look! I'm fed up with this dingy house and this miserable weather!
Dull dingy yellow represents caution, decay, sickness, and jealousy.
暗黄色代表警告, 衰落, 疾病和嫉妒。
A fungus convex cap and a dingy yellow under surface and a dry stalk.
It was a rather dingy night, although a fair number of stars were out.
尽管空中的星星也不少, 但这夜色是相当地昏暗。
William wore a big bush hat as a 6 disguise and we went into dingy pub.
During this weekend we decided to rent out a dingy and row down the river.
The doomed leaves pass through on their way to dingy, and yellow, and red.
We got married, rather unromantically, in a dingy office in the town hall.
Which I guess is my way of saying that I miss you all and that dingy place.
The torch namely fluttering, the arrows flies common project, take dingy ring.
火把摇晃中, 箭飞一般射出, 带着暗响。
In one of buildings Feliks rented a dingy room from an Irish woman called Bridget.
在其中一幢楼房里, 费
Our first sight of the dingy little hotel did not inspire us with much confidence.
我们一见到那旅店昏暗肮脏, 心里就很不痛快。
In one of buildings Feliks rented a dingy room from an Irish woman called Bridget .
Inside the ceilings are low, the lighting dingy and the air thick with stale smoke.
里面的天花板低小, 灯光昏暗, 空气中弥漫着陈腐的烟雾。
Other culprits to blame for dingy teeth include colas, gravies, and dark juices.
Dingy whites can be brought back to their crisp, white best without the use of bleach.
漂白剂可能会使床单变脆, 最好不用它。
The dingy and insanitary environment in the shantytown is a breeding ground for crime.
usually houses in the suburbs or dingy guesthouses whose owners are paid to keep quiet
She made all the other girls Id been out with seem dingy and clumsy and old before their time.
她使我先前闹翻了的所有姑娘统统显得邋遢, 笨拙, 缺乏朝气。
In the dingy yellow electric light Miss Fan looked flushed and happy and did not seem to mind at all.
在昏黄的灯光下, 密斯范红着脸很快乐的样子, 似乎毫不介意。

单词 dingy 释义

  • 单词释义:暗淡的,乏味的;肮脏的  [更多..]



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