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单词 difficult 例句大全,用单词difficult造句:

make a long and difficult journey trek a long way trudge over a long distance
People will not face this alternative cause it is so difficult to abolish war.
Textile business abundance and abundance difficult since the competition grew.
It is difficult for SME to earn money, while financing is even more difficult.
所以, 中小企业赚钱难, 找钱赚钱就更难了!
Concurrent programming has always been difficult and continues to be difficult.
People will not face this alternative because it is so difficult to abolish war.
人们不愿面对这个抉择, 因为放弃战争实在是太难了。
So if that's the case, that's difficult, because persuasion is really difficult.
如果这是问题所在,很麻烦 因为很难说服人们。
So how to shop to prevent con, windbreak a place difficult of access on the net ?
It is difficult to start an enterprise, but even more difficult to keep it going.
A precise definition of poverty is actually Very abundance difficult to determine.
No academic discipline can take from our shoulders the burden of difficult choices.
It's not difficult to get money for research or at least it's not always difficult.
For large time delay system, it is difficult to under the definition of an absolute.
对于大纯滞后系统, 很难下一个绝对的定义。
To me, the real ninja who becomes to abandon all emotions is a very difficult matter.
对我来说, 变成舍弃所有情感的真正忍者是很难的事。
High and precipitous, this mountain is strategically located and difficult of access.
It was difficult doing the scenes without an actor so we gratefully accepted her offer.
没有主角, 戏根本演不成, 所以我们当然欣然接受她的提议。
There are many strategic passes difficult of access on the way, so you must be careful.
The Medical Jurisprudence of Appraisal for Difficult Road Traffic Accident Escape Cases
Wu survive in difficult circumstances, after the difficult, the last successful flight.
If you are an academician, it is very difficult to ask you to support my academic views.
Will it be difficult to accommodate Robben, Duff and Cole next season if they are all fit
如何协调鲁本达夫乔科尔的关系, 假如他们下赛季都不受伤
Sometimes it is difficult for British and American people to understand Australian accent.
Zhan Tianyou resolutely not afraid to accept the difficult task is not afraid of ridicule.
Writing of English abstracts and translating of their difficult sentences in medical papers
The application of your academic study to real business practice is a very difficult study.

单词 difficult 释义

  • 单词释义:困难的;问题多的,麻烦的;不随和的  [更多..]



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