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单词 die 例句大全,用单词die造句:

Thermal Cycling Simulation of Die Casting Die for Aluminum Alloy Speed Governor Cover
Most people who die from diarrhoea actually die from severe dehydration and fluid loss.
Design of Die Casting Mould with Side Core Pulling on Fixed Die and Two Parting Surfaces
The Blanking Die of the Nuts for IC Engine and the Die Design for Upsetting Extrusion Hole
The shape of each die forms a circular table shape, and each die has a definite cone angle.
Die match tolerances are to allow for shift in the upper die with respect to the lower die.
Das sind die Bilder vom Fackellauf, auf die PekingsOlympiaorganisatoren immer gehofft hatten.
Wenn ich heute die Blumen beerdige, werden die Menschen mich auslachen und fuer toericht halten.
Forming Die for Titanium Alloy Superplastic Bulging and the Equistrength Criterion for Die Design
Example of design of floatable and withdraw type die including cavity die, core rod and die sleeve
Stress tempering the operating die casting die will reduce the level of accumulate residual stress.
Design of Die Casting Die with Three Parting Planes for Complicated Deep Barrel Parts with Tin Wall
Die Sonne sinkt, bald leuchten mir die Sterne The sun is setting, soon the stars will shine upon me.
太阳西沉, 星星很快将照耀我。
Wie lang dauert die strahlende Schoenheit der Blumen ? Verwelken die Blueten, ist sie damit verloren.
The design analysis and die structure of typical common punching die of button contact are introduced.
Die Liebe ist ein Wunder, das immer wieder moeglich, das Boese eine Tatsache, die immer vorhanden ist.
爱是奇迹, 随时可能发生, 恶是事实, 永远存在。
Der Pastor bittet um Frieden fuer die Welt, Gesundheit fuer die Kranken, Brot fuer die Hungernden usw.
It has elaborated the advantages replacing die casting and common die forging with semisolid die forging.
Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die.
The die structure is rational, and the die is convenient to use, can satisfy the requirement of die manufacture.
Squeeze casting is descrbed as having a combination of the virtues of gravity die casting and closed die forging.
Deceiving Heaven? Besides, I would rather die in your hands, my disciples, than die in the hands of house officers.
我与其死在这种家臣之手, 还不如死在你们这些学生之手!
Simulation Analysis of the Total Process for Clad Materials Connecting Rod Thermal Die Forging and Die Lifetime Pridiction
The structural design of the hydraulic deep drawing die is described and compared with the hard die deep drawing in the paper.
Based on analysis of the characteristics of steel pipe roller die drawing process, the analytical equation for the drawing force during roller die drawing operation is derived.

单词 die 释义

  • 单词释义:死,凋谢;消失;灭亡;停止运行;熄灭  [更多..]



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