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单词 diary 例句大全,用单词diary造句:

His excuse for forgetting her birthday was that he had lost his diary.
While in the Nazi camp, he would set his experience down in the diary.
在纳粹集中营的时候, 他把他的经历记在日记里。
Tom forced me to give my diary to him yesterday that makes me so angry.
Anne Frank wanted the first kind, so she made her diary her best friend.
安妮弗兰克希望第一类, 所以她让她的日记她最好的朋友。
Turn the boar head to reveal a hidden safe, as well as this audio diary.
he managed to keep a diary recording the daily horrors of his captivity.
At the beginning of the new term, she resolved to keep a diary in English.
在新学期的开始, 他下决心记英文日记。
Anne was a Jewish girl whose diary has been read widely all over the world.
安妮是一个犹太女孩, 她的日记在全世界广为传诵。
must help it to write the story of Mr Motts trip.Use the diary to help you.
After supper I began to print ANNUAL RING diary I kept with the new printer.
一吃完晚饭, 我就要新打印机打印我在年轮上写的日记。
Another classic date in the diary of the English Summer Season is Wimbledon.
I'll check Mr. Johnson's diary and see If I can arrange an appointment for you.
Personal diary shows our anniversary and a reminder to get a present for my wife.
Noticing her diary on a table beside the bed, he picked it up and began to read it.
他看到简的一本日记在床头桌上放着, 便顺手拿起来看。
Even the speck of whitish dust on the cover of his diary they had carefully replaced.
Some disputes on the artistic method of The Diary of the Madman in the past fifty years
Then he went to the table in the alcove, sat down, and took the diary out of the drawer.
My space at the same time news, diary, abundant guest and this spacesynchronized release.
He keeps exact accounts of the money he spends and a diary of the events of his holidays.
Diary books bound with the novel's cover image became the most popular kind in Chongqing.
The diary of Jiang Kaishi in his early year was keeping specialization as archives in U.S.
The great thing about a food diary is you cant cheat at it unless you want to cheat yourself.
I was beside myself with joy the day when I found my book The Diary of a Woman Soldier published at long last.
The front is gloomy, the past has vanished from memory like wind. The defective petal, clip embed Yu Xin in the diary.
The fresh flower village is the celebrity website, many friends all like applying for her blog. i dont like writing the diary much.

单词 diary 释义

  • 单词释义:日记,日志;日记簿  [更多..]



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