Virtually the wear of diamond segments consists in the wear of diamond particles and matrixes.
So you can also get the diamond rays sparkle over you and on others by having diamond jewelry.
The diamond has excellent mechanics, thermotics, optics, electricity and acoustics performance.
All authorities on gems agree that the diamond, ruby, sapphire, and emerald are precious stones.
Goldplated bee and butterfly bracelet with Light Amethyst, Black Diamond and clear crystals in va.
Security worker You are accomplice of stealing diamond. Now caught with goods, do not want to deny.
The mechanical properties were not affected too much with the variation of the diamond particle size.
The spins inside the diamond can be both changed and measured by shining laser light into the diamond.
Diamond, lapidary, deliver the glamour of fetch of be awed popular feeling, detached aesthetic feeling.
The ability of a diamond to withstand an impact load is typically referred to as diamond impact strength.
Development on Diamond Tools Used in the Accessory Assembly for Cutting and Grinding Automobile Brake Shoes
The diamond wall saw blade consists of a circular steel core with diamond segments attached to the periphery.
Infrastructure used by the diamond industry, cutting tools, for the consumption of the largest diamond blade.
基建业使用的金刚石刃具中, 消耗最大的为金刚石锯片。
The major failure mechanisms of diamond coated cu tting tools are flaking and breakthrough of diamond coating.
It is not known how long the Zeppelin airship, themost efficient diamond explorer in history, will still beout.
The effects of diamond grain sizes on wear resistance ratio of the sintering diamond compacts are investigated.
We are mindful also that both the diamond industry and Government must adopt sustainable development approaches.
Structure of artificial diamond bit tool influenced efficiency cutting rock. Trapezoidal laminal bit tool was adopted.
Sophie agreed to participate in the charity banquet, Yang redemption will be made up of the diamond brooch to the pupil.
柔答应参加慈善宴会, 更托言将杨赎回的钻石胸针交予瞳。
A diamond burr was used to make an osteotomy through the S1 pedicle and sacral ala to the anterior cortex of the sacrum.
According to saying, periphery of this renown watch has 42 square model diamond aerolite surface, enchase 2 diamond.
It's a case of diamond cut diamond with those two and both of them are afraid of going too far in their demands of each other.
那两个人真是棋逢敌手, 都怕向对方提出的要求过高。
And all this is before the countrys vast agriculture potential and the bulk of its plentiful diamond deposits have been tapped.
Among GIAs achievements are the establishment of the 4Cs of diamond value and the development of the first modern jewelers loupe.
Diamond concentration, commonly referred to as CON, is a measure of the amount of diamond contained in a segment based upon volume.