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单词 diminish 例句大全,用单词diminish造句:

The lesson of compassion Give aid freely, but do not diminish the one who receives it.
But the cessation of his hostility for Pen did not diminish Huxters attentions to Fanny.
Both diabetes and the medicine used to treat it can diminish desire, arousal, and orgasm.
We are convinced that Africa's dependence on aid will diminish as growth prospects improve.
When fighting corruption, it is more useful to try to diminish it rather than eradicate it.
在反腐败斗争中, 努力减少腐败比根除腐败更有效。
As soon as this sign's nurturing qualities are cultivated, their selfishness will diminish.
一旦你变得更有爱心, 自私自利的坏毛病就可以彻底消除了。
Time will never cause our friendship to diminish. Or Time will not diminish our friendship.
Erode To cause to diminish , deteriorate, or disappear as if by eating into or wearing away.
侵蚀掉, 腐蚀掉象磨蚀, 侵蚀那样使减少, 减弱或消失。
Property listed above which will deteriorate or diminish in valueif not realized immediately.
His constant attempts to diminish His colleagues achievements eventually caused His dismissal.
他一再试图贬低同事的成绩, 终于导致被辞职。
He blessed them, and their numbers greatly increased, and he did not let their herds diminish.
If you wish to grow thinner, diminish your dinner, And take to light claret instead of pale ale
如果你想变瘦, 就要少吃饭, 喝低度红酒, 戒掉啤酒
Is dot skin diminish inflammation good with iodin bend over good with tincture of iodine still ?
This would lead to undesirable politicization of the Working Group and diminish its credibility.
Only uniform distribution of the expeditions will significantly diminish the risk of bad weather.
And finally, the ways to diminish defects and increase laser damage thresholds are also discussed.
OBJECTIVE To diminish and discontinue intrahospital cross infection in oral medicine outpatient clinic.
A collar aids in determining the depth of insertion and may diminish resorption of bone in the medial neck.
Such Holographic water can quickly diminish inflammation, relieve pain, arrest blood and remove blood stasis.
这种全息水具有快速消炎, 止痛, 止血, 化瘀的功效。
We are going to be creating even bigger financial institutions, and the role of the smaller institution will diminish.
我们要建更大的财政机构, 小机构的作用会逐渐淡出。
Technical Measures to Diminish The Colour Difference Between Sample and Bulk Sample of Reactive Dyes in Exhaust Dyeing
Fortunate planets going to conjunction or aspect of one of the infortunes, in any figure, diminish their evil influence.
Appointed therapy apparatus for Chinese women football team. Magical diminish inflammation, relieve pain, healing effects.
Obese young and middle-aged folks have a greater risk of dying than the fit, but the danger seems to diminish as they grow older.
they inevitably diminish the new individual's sense of esteem and identity because they may consider themselves to be the product of an assembly line.

单词 diminish 释义

  • 单词释义:(使)减少,缩小;减弱…的权势;[乐]减半音  [更多..]



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