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单词 despite 例句大全,用单词despite造句:

Despite our romantic ideas, children live in the same complex, imperfect world as adults.
Despite the great gains in industry, agriculture remained the nation's basic occupations.
However, despite his opposition to the slavery system, he himself was not an abolitionist.
However, despite the low doses Goetzl said he would never advise giving it to young women.
然而, 尽管用量小, 葛佐建议年轻妇女不宜使用该药品。
Ran aground in the heart of the desert despite the sea of time, I just want Nama Dai dark.
任凭心搁浅荒漠的时间海, 我要的只是那抹暗黛。
The IEA reckons that oil consumption will accelerate this year and next, despite high prices.
国际能源署认为无论油价如何, 需求依然会加大。
Despite such accomplishments, none of these helicopter programs reached the production stage.
尽管取得了这些成绩, 这些直升机项目达到生产阶段。
Bad habits of gamble or drug addiction which remain incorrigible despite repeated admonition.
The accused refused to confess despite being subjected to the third degree for two whole days.
A Harvard scientist who, despite his scruffy appearance, was once an adviser to the President.
Analysis of the Roots and Administrative Ways of Incessant Formalism despite Repeated Prohibition
Or accomplish whatever you want to do despite the moment not looking just as you would like it to.
尽管完成你想要做的事, 不要顾忌所谓的最佳时机。
Despite the potential for acrimony, business angels and venture capitalists have to work together.
Despite the overwhelming success of Titanic, DiCaprio insists he has not changed his acting goals.
Despite the advent of new information technologies, old political habits are difficult to discard.
All of this to say that despite the horror, and despite the death, women are never really counted.
Despite an abundance of data, observations of wave height frequently leave abundance to be desired.
Despite the size of its population, the Netherlands ranks the 16th in economic aggregate in the world.
Despite the persistent rumours, Facchetti is adamant the pair will still be playing for Inter next term.
Now that he refuses to mend his ways despite of repeated admonition, we needn't waste our breath any more.
The Dane agreed a new deal earlier in the summer despite having to settle for 24 senior appearances last term.
Despite declining market share and sales, nobody dared change the system, despite its stunning inefficiencies.
Students who behave outrageously and refuse to mend their ways despite repeated admonitions should be expelled.
Despite the trouble that has arisen in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, and despite the sanctions imposed by seven Western countries.
Interestingly enough, despite her strong cockney accent and vernacular, one can often hear aspects of each of those singers vocal repertoire in Winehouses own voice.
尽管如此, 她真正的吸引力还是来自于她的歌曲创作。

单词 despite 释义

  • 单词释义:尽管;虽然;不由自主  [更多..]



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