and continued to work with as much apparent diligence as before at their empty looms.
The mottos our company sticks to are union, pragmatism, diligence, and aggressiveness.
Competition philosophy competition brings opportunities, diligence awards splendors.
I have to admit I have not done my due diligence to verify the identity of this person.
While I was in this learned body, I applied myself with so much diligence to my studies.
Once you have your vision and set your agenda, then I believe leadership requires diligence.
有了愿景和纲领, 我相信领袖还需要勤勉用心。
Draft and provide the assignor with correct, complete and comprehensive due diligence report.
At half past ten the whole family left the house to go with Charles to the diligence for Nantes.
十点半, 全家出门送查理搭去南德的驿车。
Because of his diligence and unusual intelligence, he surpassed all his classmates at graduation.
勤奋与智慧, 使他毕业时在班上名列前茅。
Service and generosity epitomize dedication. Diligence, frugality, and hard work epitomize courage.
Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.
学习并非偶得的, 必得是用热诚寻找和勤勉出席。
He who labours diligently need never despair, for all things are accomplished by diligence and labour.
勤奋劳动的人无须失望, 因为一切都可以靠勤奋和劳动实现。
And we believe that doing emotional due diligence is just as important as doing financial due diligence.
我们认为 培养感情 和赚钱 是一样重要的。
Diligence is the path to the mountain of knowledge, hard-work is the boat to the endless sea of learning.
Truthfulness and diligence Insincerity is a bad characteristic. It can only be rectified by truthfulness.
There is negative correlation between the over intervene of father and the fealty and diligence of child.
Modesty brings harmony. Magnanimity brings good relations. Credit brings honor. Diligence brings achievement.
Morning is the best time of a day, spring is the best season of a year, and diligence is the best quality of life.
We must encourage diligence and thrift in running the household, running the cooperative and building the country.
要提倡勤俭持家, 勤俭办社, 勤俭建国。
Weapons traders should be required to exercise due diligence to identify and confirm the bona fides of their clients.
应当要求武器贸易商克尽职责, 查明并确认其客户诚信无欺。
Qin bathing, changing clothes diligence, can effectively eliminate the accumulation of electrostatic surface of the body.
You can acquire knowledge only through diligence. Now, youve stopped halfway. Isnt it the same as cutting the brocade on the loom
若是目前停止, 和剪断织布机上的锦缎有甚么辨别?
From Legally Blond You know about competition. Its about ferocity, carnage, balancing human intelligence with animal diligence.
I fully realized the knowledge and skill improve with diligence uncultivated land in plays, in university period, I assiduous diligently, modestly study.
我深知业精于勤荒于嬉, 在大学期间, 我刻苦努力, 虚心求学。
We must build the country through diligence and thrift, combat extravagance and waste, and encourage hard work and plain living and sharing weal and woe with the masses.