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单词 destination 例句大全,用单词destination造句:

The jitter determines the maximum allowed variance in the arrival of data at the destination.
The reason that the river can arrive destination, is because it know how avert from obstacle.
河流之所以能够到达目的地, 是因为它懂得怎样避开障碍。
As soon as you arrive at your destination, step out of the aircraft and reset your wristwatch.
An arrest warrant from the international criminal court would limit his choice of destination.
When you arrive at your destination, immediately hang up your clothes, ideally in the bathroom.
After climbing across the toweringly steep mountains, our army finally reached their destination.
An array of byte values that specifies the destination symmetric key used to encrypt the message.
字节值的数组, 指定用于加密消息的目标对称密钥。
The brush currently selected in the destination device context is copied to the destination bitmap.
She had almost reached her destination when a delicious smell arrested her progress and she stopped.
Merchandise sold shall be guaranteed by the seller to conform to sample upon arrival at destination.
The optimum power allocation algorithm, with channel capacity as destination function, was given out.
After the arrival of the goods, the inspection bureau at the port of destination be to reinspect them.
Use our advanced booking system and we reserve space for your shipment from origin to final destination.
Latest arrival of relevant documents at our office must be 7 days before cargo arrival destination port.
Our expedition for food has continued for eight days, and we will arrive at the destination in due time.
The shipping company, for additional freight, undertakes to make allto get the goods to their destination.
The 115island Indian Ocean archipelago is a popular topend tourist destination. Click to enlarge this image.
An accurate description will help the Customs Authority ofcountry of destination to clear the products quickly.
We despatch goods daily to various parts of the world, so we is quite accustom to packing for foreign destination.
我们每日都向世界各地发货, 所以对于国外包装已非常熟悉。
As packets arrive at their destination they are picked up by the network interface, ready to be sent to the next level.
Commuters that live near each other and share a common destination form the simplest and most common carpool arrangement.
The Results reveal that perceived value is a critical antecedent of destination loyalty while trip quality is a basic driver.
Destination For the preliminary optimization of acupuncture therapeutic regimen on abnormal tension of muscle after cerebral infarction.
The next time you take a trip overseas, you will need only to purchase a SIM card for that destination to once again take advantage of that country's local rates.
Most people see differences and are sharp. I alone make no distinctions, seeming aimless, drifting as the sea, like the wind blowing about, seemingly without destination.

单词 destination 释义

  • 单词释义:n.目的地,[计] 目的文件,目的单元格  [更多..]



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