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单词 destiny 例句大全,用单词destiny造句:

The body by the destiny abandonment, the mind is actually sung powerhouse's song.
Flees the warm neon, the cold cold, flees the modern time screw bolt the destiny.
If so, breakdown of their flight muscles may prevent them reaching their destiny.
Originally I am only a destiny traveler. But the destiny has off my wing actually!
If the dream awakes time also can in allow together, please we are a common destiny.
Many Major Arcana indicate that the situation is out of your hands destiny is at work.
很多大阿卡那代表情况是你所不能控制的, 命运在运作。
My special family background and women are destined to my life very decree by destiny.
This destiny, this ocean beneath firmament, this infinite incessant undulating comfort.
The destiny of the Asian economy hinges on reform, innovation and structural adjustment.
Yet Jacques puts too much faith in culture as the ultimate arbiter of a nations destiny.
The occasions on which the Master talked about profit, Destiny and benevolence were rare.
Sources of Different Destiny for Council for Mutual Economic Assistance and European Union
I have complained about unfair destiny, destiny can be returned to me are even more unfair.
You can obediently fulfill your apparent destiny, or you can cause trouble by wandering off.
The writer sings an elegy of concuss the spirit returns to bowel for fool's tragedy destiny.
Yet India remains a rigidly stratified society in which birth is often synonymous with destiny.
然而印度社会等级制度森严, 出生往往就等同命运。
I must closely block the destiny the pharynx and larynx he cannot cause me to submit completely.
我要紧紧扼住命运的咽喉, 他不能使我完全屈服。
By the mid20s, a man will know his back hair destiny barely there, a few tufts, or full and bushy.
从25岁左右开始, 男士们会发现自己后背的毛发变得浓密。
For the destiny that is certain and secured for all of the elect is the blessing of glorification.
因为对所有的信徒来说, 那确定和保证的命运是荣耀的福分。
The United States has a manifest destiny to be an example and a blessing to the entire human race.
The Different Historical Destiny between The Logicians' s Argument on Name and Reality and Zeno's Paradoxs
See a reporter anti language, Wang Da Dun Xian calls to decree by destiny with reporter again, a little bit cheap.
Demolish, absorb a blood clan can use the improbity black sorcery to curse the person of the destiny lead toward misery.
毁灭, 吸血族可使用邪恶黑魔法的诅咒把人的命运引向不幸。
So the argument of assisting heaven and creating destiny focuses to explain the subject spirit of Wang chuanshan's historical philosophy.
The influence of pu songling's destiny of imperial civil examination on the works with the theme of seeking wealth and becoming prosperous

单词 destiny 释义

  • 单词释义:命运;天命,天数;命运的三女神;主宰事物的力量  [更多..]



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