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单词 desist 例句大全,用单词desist造句:

The Grasshopper refused to desist, and chirped louder and louder the more the Owl entreated.
蚱蜢不肯停止, 猫头鹰愈是请求, 它反而叫得愈响。
Now it is enforcing its rights, sending cease and desist letters to anyone wading into its waters.
现在镇方开始执行权利, 对所有侵权者寄出存证信函。
They have been told that their protest has no chance of being successful, but they refuse to desist.
Upon this, the Police decided to desist in the execution of the warrant pending further legal advice.
They were ordered to cease and desist and are now waiting for the weather to clear to finish off the shoot.
他们被要求停止和终止, 他们在等待天气好转来完成拍摄。
instructing the unit under inspection to desist from violating this Law and to fulfil their statutory obligations.
责令被检查单位停止违反本法的行为, 履行法定义务。
But just then the tubes burned out, and it was discovered that there were no more reserves so the merrymakers were forced to desist.

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