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单词 desire 例句大全,用单词desire造句:

There will be many people alive the desire, desire more, will gradually wish dissatisfaction.
人活着都会有许多的欲望, 欲望多了, 渐渐会欲求不满。
We advocate commercial reputation and morality as to fulfill the desire for unashamed pleasure.
If your baby brother accidentally stabbed you, you would not feel anger and desire to retaliate.
如果你的小弟弟不消息刺到你, 你不会愤怒, 要去报复。
Influence of Developmental Level of Desire Taking on Affective Decision Making in Young Children
Unable to see the grandpa again, Taro lost the desire to eat. Later the veterinarian adopted him.
再也看不见老爷爷的太郎失去了食欲, 后来由医生领养。
I know this, that's why love can be defined in a more accurate way as the desire of being desired.
Many leaders are faced with alluring belief to shake, cannot accomplish clean heart, careful desire.
One's achievements and affluence often don't satisfy him, but rather, they make him desire for more.
The Historical Development of Contemporary Female Sexual Desire Description and Its Aesthetic Features
You have some significant hurdles to get over before you can achieve the financial security you desire.
在你取得你渴望的财务安全感时, 你要挨过一些重要的难关。
Weightfully this self which weighed upon me, the release from which is what I desire and what I achieve.
这样的本意,就已经对我如此重要 我咎由自取 该是这样
One way to make sure you stay focused on what you desire to achieve is to have a plan of action in place.
They affirmed people's basic passion, desire and interest, advocated simple and unadorned style of study.
As to the desire for food when hungry and the desire for drink when thirsty, how can one be without them?
若是饥而欲食, 渴而欲饮, 则此欲亦岂能无?但亦是合当如此者。
If this countrys desire to abolish nuclear weapons is genuime, it could raise the iron curtain for evermore.
如果该国消除核武器的愿望是真的, 那就能永远去除铁幕了。
More often than not, some politicians affirm their desire for retirement than show that they really mean it.
有些政治家经常声称他们想退休, 但未必是真的。
Yet Mozarts adolescent desire to show off his technical mastery did not, on this occasion, create a masterpiece.
The achievement pale night of misty rain subsequently the tower lightly has sued the desire language also shames.
True happiness is Peace, a state of mind achieved through perceiving the Absolute Reality and freedom from Desire.
To being one of the human societies, I deeply abhor the behavior caused by the mankinds gradually expansible desire.
人口危机, 能源危机, 环境危机等像瘟疫一样缠绕整个人类。
Do not desire a valve can play all within the ballistic performance of piecemeal. 0, pressure Redu additional value.
Your desire for the thing you wish is perhaps stronger than your desire for the will of God to be fulfilled in its arrival.
你切望得到你所要的欲, 也许远胜过完成神的旨意。
Well, then, is it not better to use what is in thy power like a free man than to desire in a slavish and abject way what is not in thy power
因为肯定, 如果他们能与人合作, 他们也能在这些方面合作。
His head swivelled back and forth, his desire maxed and his resolution waned. Back and forth his head swivelled, desire maxing, resolution waning.
Should a bird desire to fly, it would fly up to the sky by its first flight. Should one desire to sing, one would amaze the world with his first song.

单词 desire 释义

  • 单词释义:愿望;渴望;肉欲;渴望的人/事  [更多..]



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