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单词 depress 例句大全,用单词depress造句:

My hematic depress arrives lowest is 64, highest be 94, how to do
我的血压低到最低是64, 最高是94, 怎么办
Small doses depress salivary and bronchial secretion and sweating.
He feared that rising inflation would further depress the economy.
I am depress due to I always worry about the safety of my children.
Will either stimulate you with a motivation or they can depress you.
预期能激励你, 它也可以令你感绝望。
Some evidence indicates they depress labourforce participation rates.
有证据表明, 不这样就会压低劳动力参与率。
Right now, every time when I fell bored, depress, I wont complain anymore.
现在, 每当觉得无聊, 苦闷的时候, 我不再抱怨。
If I depress this button, it would deploy a weapon more deadly than yours.
Do you want to help them walk through the hardship, depress and hopeless
These limitations depress demand for smartphone ads and lead to low prices.
The incidence of depress in uremia patients with different dialysis methods
Now I didnt come here to depress you about the state of the global supply chain.
现在我不是消极的告诉你, 关于全球供应链的事情。
Anaemia is red blood cell and haemoglobin low, have nothing to do with hematic depress.
Quite apart from the nasal discomfort, the olfactory factor can depress property prices.
Taking sodium silicate and sulphuric acid as a composite depressor, float As and depress Sb.
and she would have grudged such an elevation to one whom she had been always trying to depress.
These effects of deflation depress the economy further, which leads to more deflation, and so on.
Hold container upright. Depress and spray directly into mouth for a quick and easy breath refresher.
将樽身垂直, 向口腔按下喷咀, 可即时令口气回复清新。
however, the aftload blade can restrain secondary flow efficiently and thus depress the cascade loss.
而后部加载叶型能有效抑制二次流, 从而降低叶栅损失
Aside from directly creating a great deal of misery, these cuts will depress the economy even further.
left ventricle remodeling geometry configuration left ventricle ejection fraction depress blood pressure.
The resultant selling pressure can depress prices, increasing the returns available to arbitrage investors.
The result has been to encourage domestic production and depress domestic consumption, especially in Europe.
Move the wheel all the way to the left and right, alternately depress pedals, then press a button on the controller.
向左向右移动轮子, 交替踩踏板, 然后按控制器上的按钮。
Receptors Depress Carotid Sinus Reflex Resetting Induced by Intracerebroventricular Injection of Histamine in Anesthetized Rats

单词 depress 释义

  • 单词释义:使抑郁;使萧条;按下;减少  [更多..]



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