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单词 deny 例句大全,用单词deny造句:

I will not deny that the situation we are facing is as bleak as it is dangerous.
Whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven.
凡在人面前不认我的, 我在我天上的父面前也必不认他。
It represents an investment technique whose soundness I can neither affirm nor deny.
This is not to deny the abuses and downright crookery that have marred executive pay.
Operators of escort agencies flatly deny that they are in the business of selling sex.
If she deny to wed, Ill crave the day When I shall ask the banns, and when be married.
要是她不愿意嫁给我, 我就向她请问吉期。
Then there are those who even coaxed the blind man to deny that he was actually cured.
They affirm the Three People's Principles with their lips but deny them in their hearts.
The aim is to get the countries to identify, report and deny entry to offending vessels.
这样做的目的是让那些港口国家鉴别, 报告并拒绝船只入港。
Acknowledging that materialized labor creates value does not deny the labor value theory.
This is not to deny that there was much fraudulent behaviour behind the financial crisis.
I do not deny that, love this thing, not the press conference invisible groups of no angle.
我不否认, 爱情这东西, 没楞没角无形无影。
We can no longer deny the motivations and intentions of those actors who instigated the war.
Kilpatrick and Betty appears in court to deny that afterward has the adulterous love affair.
The work could also explain why people with anorexia nervosa are able to deny themselves food.
Admittedly, cannot deny because of this cantering action, but also cannot exaggerate its action.
No one will deny that Autumn foliage is one of the most beautiful natural scenes created by God.
He emphasizes, amount to fact of crime of group bilking collect irrefutable evidence, cannot deny.
Security worker You are accomplice of stealing diamond. Now caught with goods, do not want to deny.
Nobody could surely ever deny that there is a chasm between the clubs in terms of pure achievement.
On the tenth day of this seventh month hold a sacred assembly. You must deny yourselves and do no work.
The attempt to make discussion of antiSemitism illegitimate is really an attempt to deny that it exists.
And deny. The way we continue on with the same unproductive and destructive patterns, habits and behaviours.
No one can deny the juvenile delinquency and unawareness of diseases could lead to rampant bangviolence and an AIDS epidemics.
Republican Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvaniasupports stronger enforcement of background checks that would deny guns to those who have a history of mental illness.

单词 deny 释义

  • 单词释义:否认;拒绝承认;戒绝(尤因道德或宗教原因);拒绝给予  [更多..]



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