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单词 deluge 例句大全,用单词deluge造句:

A deluge of electronic information may overwhelm American civil justice.
Fortunately, the tools to deal with this data deluge are getting better.
The success of this device was, however, lost in the deluge of disaster.
然而这一计划的成就, 被纷至沓来的不幸事作溟没了。
Floods, including a deluge in Hainan province last month, hurt some crops.
Automatic deluge system development until now, technology already quite mature.
摘要自动喷水灭火系统发展至今, 技术已相当成熟。
When things come to you like a deluge, distress will not disperse like the cloud.
Governments around the world are unleashing a deluge of numbers on their citizens.
A deluge of personal revelation followedand the programme earned a huge following.
On the other, every time you turned to your phone, there is this deluge of insults.
An introduction to the deluge system in International Exhibition Center, YangZhou City
Deluge seedlings did not show, the Central Plains have seen the whole dream of flying.
洪水滔天苗不秀, 中原曾见梦全飞。
The deluge was so torrential that even the wet tyres could not provide sufficient grip.
And this should be done sooner rather than later because the data deluge is only growing.
这是应该做的事宜早不宜迟, 因为数据的泛滥, 只是越来越多。
There is freedom within, there is freedom without. Try to catch the deluge in a paper cup.
这, 有自由, 也没有自由, 试着抓住纸杯里的水。
The deluge of mobile users threatens to upend a wide range of businesses in Silicon Valley.
Meanwhile, local firefighters are facing a deluge of criticism for being disorganized and late.
Fixed firefighting systems Components for sprinkler and water spray systems Part 9 Deluge valves
Meanwhile, those downstream are doing what they can to protect themselves from the coming deluge.
Once the lid is loose, therell be a deluge of rebellion and theyll take the law into their own hands.
The author and should serve as a brief analysis on the automatic deluge system spraying of water choice.
Congress and the White House still deluge the agency with requests for intellegence on the former Soviet Union.
Any of several large suckers of the Mississippi valley. Deluge at Early Third Millennium BC over the Mesopotamia
The rain beat upon the low, shingled roof with a force and clatter that threatened to break an entrance and deluge them there.
雨水猛烈地敲打着低矮木质屋顶, 肆虐着似乎要灌进屋来。

单词 deluge 释义

  • 单词释义:洪水;泛滥;倾盆大雨  [更多..]



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