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单词 delivery 例句大全,用单词delivery造句:

Effects of breech delivery to be turned from excessive floating fetal head in cesarean delivery
Acceptance of the delivery of this document constitutes agreement to these terms and conditions.
For the urgent request, the delivery time will be discussed accordingly between the two parties.
对于加急稿件, 交稿期限由双方临时商议。
Influence of Delivery Valve and Delivery Valve Holder on Bubbles in Diesel Fuel Injection System
to quickly, responsibly accelerate the delivery of targeted therapeutics to patients with cancer.
尽快地,负责地,把目标治疗法送给 癌症患者
Most premature delivery is abiogenesis, or after because caul is early, be being defeated, happen.
多数早产为自然发生, 或因胎膜早破后发生。
Disassociation of the actuator product suction and delivery times results in a shorter cycle time.
Among actual business, there are various forms of delivery of goods without original bill of lading.
因此在实际业务中, 出现了各种各样无单放货的变通做法。
Responsible for the delivery of luggage, messages and any other items for delivery within the Hotel.
Meanwhile, record the requisition and delivery, and ensure the compliance between accounts and goods.
Regulation for technical document of delivery in chemical construction and acceptance of titanic piping
Detention services and their delivery are subject to an external scrutiny and accountability framework.
拘留措施与执行, 须接受外部考核权责机构之督导。
Confirm delivery to OE internal, follow material, production schedule, improvement on time delivery rate.
As different blood glucose control before delivery, the rate of abnormal birth weight was no difference. 2.
孕期糖代谢和产前血糖不同, 出生体重无统计学差异。
The Date of Bill of Lading shall be taken as the actual date of the delivery of the TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION.
The Consignor shall absorb insurance premium and warehousing charges up to the date of delivery to customers.
During the delivery service, the staff conscientiously handle, deliver your shipment accurately and securely.
Objective To discuss psychosomatic influence of Doula delivery as compared with non Doula delivery on puerpera.
The delivery capacity is600 orders per day in Beijing, due to stock limitations and delivery time restrictions.
Responsible of the delivery management in coordination with logistic department to achieve the delivery expected.
Influence of Lamaze delivery method in combination with delivery ball on birth process and outcomes of childbirth
Delivery Instrument A document that stands in lieu of the physical underlying during the delivery of the futures contract.
Or to take it one step further, why not let the delivery worker synchronize data with another delivery worker by using data collaboration.
或者进一步, 使用数据协作将数据同步给另一个运送工。
Management and Monitoring Measure of Nosocomial Infection in Cesarean Section, Normal Delivery, Domiciliary Delivery Integral Delivery Room
Study on the Relationship Between the Displacement of the Abomasums and Plasma Progesterone in Dairy Cows after Delivery and Electrolyte Levels

单词 delivery 释义

  • 单词释义:递送(商品);分娩;投递的;演说风格  [更多..]



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