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单词 delirious 例句大全,用单词delirious造句:

During the fever he became delirious and said some strange things.
Mrs.Thatcher was very ill, and a great part of the time delirious.
Ben Um. yeah, I guess Ive just been cramming so hard, Im delirious.
During the fever, the child delirious and said some strange things.
The fever rose very high, and all that night the boy was delirious.
Everywhere he went, audiences reacted with almost delirious delight.
When my boss told me about my promotion, I was delirious all afternoon.
At night she began to be delirious, and in the morning she had brainfever.
Mrs. Cheng really got worried then, because she thought her maid was delirious.
程夫人觉得有点担心, 她想她的丫环肯定是神志不清。
Dudek's final save from Shevchenko sparked delirious scenes on and off the pitch.
the delirious new dances that emphasize selfisolation, anddehumanizing incoherence
Bears crash marked the moment when a delirious Wall Street was knocked to its senses.
贝尔的破产, 标志了神志失常的华尔街被一巴掌拍醒的时刻。
In his subsequent delirious state he walks into a jailbreak and knocks out the convicts.
他在随后的神志不清的状态, 他走进越狱击倒的罪犯。
He found Huck still in the bed that had been provided for him, and delirious with fever.
Man chester United are once more engulfed in the delirious joy of Champions League melodrama.
For a few delirious moments, fate teased a continent of fans with the possibility of a miracle.
她把其余的一切交给拍卖商处理, 动身前往欧洲大陆了。
People were delirious it was like they wanted to rip my clothes off and just take me, right there.
他们都疯了, 好像就要剥开我的衣服把我从那里拽走。
As display of affection between male homosexuals starkly contrasts mens rigid image, public reaction to it tends to be delirious.
This was nothing but deceptive, delusional and delirious rigmarole at its stupidest, a trick played on ministers to keep them in line for as long as he could.

单词 delirious 释义

  • 单词释义:精神混乱的;非常激动的;极兴奋的,发狂的;神不守舍  [更多..]



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