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单词 deserted 例句大全,用单词deserted造句:

A day like this should be spent lying on some beach on a deserted island.
After breaking out of jail, the prisoner hid out in a deserted farmhouse.
这个囚犯越狱后, 在一幢无人居住得农舍里躲藏。
The stately residence of Monseigneur was altogether blighted and deserted.
Soon a new capital was built at Angkor Thom, but this was deserted in 1434.
But the giant mountain remains virtually deserted in the autumn and winter.
What mattered was that he had deserted Chiang Kaishek and of his own accord.
The rebelion chieftain was opposed by the masses and deserted by his followers.
The once thriving yard is now almost deserted and covered with weeds and bushes.
The private chamber was deserted, with not even a serving droid to overhear them.
内殿只有他们两个, 连服侍机器人也不会听到他们的谈话。
Chuck survives the crash and lands on a deserted island where there are no people.
Then Alfred went musing into the deserted schoolhouse. He was humiliated and angry.
The thought of returning to his native land never deserted him amid his tribulation.
The assessor asserts that he inserted the deserted desserts in the desert with alert.
Chuck survives the the crash and lands on a deserted island where there are no people.
The factory had been closed all day, the carriage gate was bolted, the street was deserted.
工厂停了一天工, 正门闩起来了, 街上行人稀少。
After the Winona address, Midwesterners were certain that Taft had deserted to the Old Guard.
He came out of his airconditioned office into the dark and deserted streets, haggard and worn.
她让工作给累坏了, 再也忍受不了了。
We began to believe life is just a beautiful firework, sometimes brilliant, sometimes deserted.
Jackals cry in chorus from the courtyard of the deserted house in the light of the worn out moon.
残月的微光下, 胡狼从空宅的庭院里齐声嗥叫。
Archer had seated himself near the window and was gazing out blankly at the deserted thoroughfare.
阿切尔坐在窗口, 茫然地凝望着空无人迹的大街。
Yi Hong was normally very bold, but when confronted with insects or snakes her bravado deserted her.
衣红胆子不小, 可是一见虫蛇就威风不起来了。
Scientists have studied on a zoology fathering mode which can turn deserted bottomland into an oasis.
She kept on walking, directing herself to bungalow 163, where she spent every summer holiday.The road was deserted.
她一直走着, 径直走向163号平房, 每年暑假, 她都是在那儿度过的。
'Mrs. ' was a courtesy title adopted by Philomena D'Souza when her boyfriend deserted her just prior to her baby's birth.
Slightly deserted, the valley gains more refined quietness with sad cries of some obscure creatures, which have sacrificed much of their lives to satiate the avarice of the human beings.

单词 deserted 释义

  • 单词释义:( 地方) 无人居住的;空寂无人的;被抛弃的;被遗弃的  [更多..]



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