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单词 descend 例句大全,用单词descend造句:

before it dares descend on a hillside of firtrees where avenging presences may lurk.
Daddy, what matter does the mother have How to dont descend to take a repose mother.
A developmental defect marked by the failure of the testes to descend into the scrotum.
It doesn't take long to descend 7m, but it takes longer to get sorted out at the bottom.
Why should that apple always descend perpendicularly to the ground, thought he to himself.
He saw crow after crow descend, and each drawing up a stalk in his beak, fly away with it.
他看见乌鸦叫后, 每次下降, 叼起一根草茎, 振翅高飞。
That I bless the whole day to descend all teachers the festival the happiness in advance!
Others descend from tilting apartment blocks, with plastic children strapped to their backs.
The risk that the currency dispute would descend into a trade war has, for now, disappeared.
In male fetuses, the testicles normally descend into the scrotum in last months before birth.
Aspire to the Light and draw it down over your head to your feet. Let the Divine Light Descend.
As soon as the volume steadies itself, the trill begins to descend chromatically, never resting.
Just as an airplane needs upward thrust to lift off, Hawkess subs use downward thrust to descend.
和飞机需要上升推力一样, 霍克斯的潜艇需要下降推力。
A second stream is created to hold the enterprise models, which descend from the exemplar models.
第2个流程得以创建以保持企业模型, 它来自范例模型。
Class dismissed, the classmates all go to descend big and green umbrella to enjoyed cool air to go to.
The Highborne slowly descend into decadence, obsessed with using the Well of Eternity's magical energies.
If you cannot equalize pressure in the middle ear cavities or sinuses, you should not continue to descend.
The regulations descend from the First International Sanitary Conference, held in Paris in 1851 to fight cholera.
When you have already leaked a bottle to descend ditch perhaps, also having a very funny animation to sneer at you.
Your heart is pounding along with the music as you squirm in your theater seat. The silhouetted ax starts to descend
Primary school grade four Pull a female the hand of the classmate, drive brush off, study result straight line descend!
Why should that apple always descend perpendicularly to the ground, thought he to himself... Why should it not go sideways,or upwards
He walked with her a few steps, then stood and watched her slowly descend the stone stairway and disappear around the face of a bluff.
他跟着她走了几步, 便又站
Three twisters descend upon Las Vegas leaving a neon wasteland in their wake. Hurricanes tear through the Gulf Coast without warning. Recordhigh temperatures scorch the northeast.
His ideas are not meant to be worn, ' Arnault says of the avant-gardish collection of bag-lady-style ball gowns, ' but the ideas descend down to pret-a-porter and to everything in the line.

单词 descend 释义

  • 单词释义:下来,下降 ;下斜;降临;突然造访  [更多..]



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