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单词 defrost 例句大全,用单词defrost造句:

You do not have to defrost this refrigerator because it is equipped with an automatic defroster.
Handling for concrete structures surface peeled by frost and defrost in northern Nenjiang Project
Numerical Simulation and Experiment of Vehicle Windshield Defrost System Performance Optimization
A new air source heat pump system of energy store for heat flux defrost and its experimental study
I like to freeze this way, because it takes far less time to defrost when the bags are flat like this.
A new way to defrost and heat large oxygen plants with full low pressure process and heating procedures
Soak prawns in water to defrost, cut in half, remove black intestines and sand sac in head, and then pat dry.
To freezer of straight cold formula, when frost ply amounts to 3 millimeter, need to undertake artificial defrost.
Leafy shoots retained could enhance the prematurity, the rate of defrost lint could be increased for 1. 1 percents.
Return home, defrost the frozen vegetables in the microwave oven and turn on the television to watch the evening news.
回到家, 在微波炉里解冻冰冻的蔬菜, 打开电视观看晚间新闻。
The microprocessor based control provides intelligence to gather and process information about system defrost requirements.
Defrost the fish fillets, clean and cut into 3 pieces. Dry them with the kitchen paper and mix in the marinade and let stand for 15 minutes.
No need defrost first, put the bag into water directly, 8 minutes after boiling, open the bag and make a nice arrangement in the plate, now, enjoy it.

单词 defrost 释义

  • 单词释义:vt.除霜,使(冰的食物)融化;vi.解冻  [更多..]



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