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单词 decorate 例句大全,用单词decorate造句:

Add lemon juice and basil in, pour sauce over salmon. Decorate with tender basil leaves.
Decorate bridal chamber of romance will no doubt for bustling wedding icing on the cake.
Mainly engaged in medium and highgrade products, our bazaar may fitly decorate your life.
One of the biggest things I missed was the lights that people use to decorate their homes.
What the saint porch decorate the out of the ordinary characteristic and the superiority is
These glass products, decorate a large number of ancient cultural relics, ancient buildings.
Or decorate with chocolate chips, fresh cherries, sliced strawberries and whipped and serve.
用鲜奶油, 草莓等装饰。或是撒上巧克力碎片, 铺上水果。
Cake decoration is an new special page about how to make cake bodys and how to decorate cakes.
The ceiling can decorate freely batten, but cannot suspensory all sorts of strange decorations.
Only see jiang bian decorate very beautifully, there are lawn, garden, children s paradise, etc.
Spread the tops of the sandwiches with melted white chocolate and decorate each with a hazelnut.
Then, everyone began to decorate the conference room, and soon a festival atmosphere was created.
The wall of our house is very dirty. Father has bought some wall paper, preparing to decorate it.
But first he had stopped by the family home to decorate our tree, a ritual he had never abandoned.
This is the window of household, make hard decorate and soft adornment organic be united in wedlock.
Coat cake with milk chocolate cream. Decorate sides with chocolate rice and top withand strawberries.
在蛋糕洒上可可粉, 加上巧克力和草莓装饰即可。
Accordingly, people keeps away from normally midsummer and midwinter, two season decorate option year.
因此, 人们通常避开盛夏和隆冬, 选择春秋两季装修。
And camber also can rely on to repair those who allow cake to decorate, show natural and downy radian!
Decorate in the family in, afforest adornment also can produce certain effect to dimensional construction.
Place the lobster garnish in a bowl and pour on the soup. Decorate with little balsamic vinegar and serve.
将龙虾肉放于碗底, 倒进冻汤, 加少许黑醋作装饰即可。
The door covers the effect that having adornment door and doorcase, can decorate photograph echo with wall.
Jane has just bought a new house and Sue is asking her how she is going to decorate and furnish the kitchen.
Our company is ready to decorate your dwelling house so that it will appear to Be a warm and comfortaBle world.
Lacquer lian toilet boxes in Han Dynasty have also used the cone painting and attached gold foil sheets to decorate patterns in addition.
He made pomegranates in two rows encircling each network to decorate the capitals on top of the pillars. He did the same for each capital.

单词 decorate 释义

  • 单词释义:装饰;装潢;粉刷;糊墙纸;装点;美化;授予勋章  [更多..]



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