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单词 defeat 例句大全,用单词defeat造句:

She helped him defeat the black monster and finally acquired the cassock.
在菩萨的帮助下, 孙悟空制服了黑熊怪, 并最终要回了袈裟。
The most important thing is not to admit defeat until you really have to.
Moreover, was it not better to defeat the enemy without abandoning territory
It wasn't a lacklustre performance, it wasn't a team and accepted the defeat.
我们表现不差, 我们不是一支轻易接受失败的球队。
Because they all have admitted defeat and challenge themselves psychological.
With in yours this love gambling, I receive the human who admits defeat am I!
Seize the first movers advantage and defeat your opponent by a surprise move.
抓住先行者的优势, 以惊人之举战胜对手。
Use your magic to defeat the enemies of Mimi and save the home, accompany you.
使用您的魔法去打败敌人和拯救咪咪回家, 陪伴您。
But she also refused to admit defeat like a pigeon, the mouth does not forgive.
但她还像只不肯认输的鸽子, 嘴巴不饶人。
What's sad is, you've already lost this round. You just refuse to admit defeat.
Calculations, in the face of this world, I admit defeat, I had thoroughly Bishu.
算了, 面对这个世界, 我认输了, 我彻底服输了。
Our army is attacking the enemy, and hopefully will defeat them by late afternoon.
我军向敌军发起进击, 有望在傍晚将其击退。
Xiao Zhang is young and full of vigor, it will not be easy to make him admit defeat.
小张年轻心盛, 要他服输恐怕不太容易。
The proof was incontestable – he had no choice but to admit defeat and plead guilty.
I'll cheerfully acknowledge my defeat if I don't find you by midnight of the third day.
如果我到第三天午夜为止还找不到你, 我就痛痛快快地认输。
The challenger wouldn't admit defeat and came back for more punishment time after time.
那挑战者不认输, 常常回过来, 却挨了许多揍。
But in most cases it is absolute superiority and inferiority that decide victory and defeat.
Because he was not able to accomplish craftsmanship in defeat, his heart was torn to shreds.
It was an acknowledgment of defeat and would almost surely lead to a lessening of his power.
The insurgency in Afghanistan didn't just happen overnight and we won't defeat it overnight.
The battle ended indecisively; neither side had clearly won but neither side admitted defeat.
In a spot disparity is unable under the aspect which overtakes, Li Shishi dices in 295 admits defeat.
在一点的差距无法追上的局面下, 李世石于295手投子认输。
It was a good job, because he then sacked Graeme on February 2nd, after our abysmal 30 defeat at Manchester City.
Hose diamter is round and flatening with neat end and original color and without the defeat affecting prouduct performance.
Thus it is that in war the victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory.

单词 defeat 释义

  • 单词释义:击败;使困惑;使失败;否决;难倒;失利  [更多..]



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