If you want to download the new certificate you should delete the old one first.
and thesaurus. 1 Insert and delete inserting is the act of adding to the document.
Moderated online amend,delete,change information,such as the response function. 3.
When it is complete, the camera will delete the firmware file from internal memory.
升级完成后, 相机将自动删除内存中的固件升级文件。
I know some people will out of the way and delete deactivate their facebook accounts.
Please select an eligible license code from the list and press the'Delete'button again.
In the delete dialog, delete the pattern instance project and the message flow project.
The Commission therefore agreed to delete the first set of words within square brackets.
We may employ equilibrium considerations to delete the second expression in the bracket.
The administrator can also add the new books online and delete records of students online.
管理者能够在线增加新书, 在线删除学生的借书和还书信息。
Delete this paragraph if the applicant is a relative of the mentally incapacitated person.
Clicking the Delete Comment link shows a warning asking you to confirm the comments deletion.
点击删除评论链接, 显示提醒, 问你是否确认删除评论。
You can reduce your daily transfer limits and delete your accounts in the transfer list online.
After you verify the restored subscription data, you should delete or rename the backup tables.
Delete as appropriate. Master Form for Competition Athlete and Training Athlete should be separated.
and everything is archived and everything is recorded, there's no need to delete information anymore.
一切被归档一切被纪录的时代里 没有必要删除信息
Delete stubborn file directory force unlock, auxiliary crushing kill to remove viruses, Trojan files.
When dad finished up loading wed is covered we used no firewall, Since it was too late to cancel or delete
因此, 想要取消或删除都已为时太晚,
You will not be able to encrypt data to the owner of the certificate. Do you wish to delete the certificate
This option is usually used to delete specific instances that have been examined personally by an administrator.
Pile it on, can arrive the side Cape, very considerate, delete the details to does not lose to bag again in hand.
夸张, 能到边到角, 无微不至, 删去细节又不失囊括在手。
There were also some moments in episodes that we had to delete because of the rules of Broadcast Standards and Practices.
We reserve the right to move your posts to a more appropriate forum or to delete anything deemed inappropriate or illegal.
Deleting root certificate will invalidate the trusted root certificate authorities. Do you wish to delete the certificate?
Can inquire about and delete by the fact that daily record manages the daily record go along giving an alarm to possessions.