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单词 decrease 例句大全,用单词decrease造句:

Disorders affecting the retina or the macula in its centre decrease vision and can cause Blindness.
Of interest, when allopurinol was given, a significant decrease in lipid peroxidation was observed.
Not only must the centers decrease, but the tolerances to produce quality bonds must also decrease.
不仅中心间距减少, 而且产生优质连接的容限也必须减少。
One of the major reasons for the sharp decrease of the biodiversity was the intrusive alien species.
According to the condition of the fish, the fish farm's production volume this year will not decrease.
Brassica oleracea var. botrytis, Allium cepa and Allium sativum only decrease the hyperglycemic peak.
An amendment should decrease bulk density, increase total porosity, and increase water and air content.
Properly decreasing nitrogen level would not decrease cabbage yield, but decrease nitrate concentration.
Area of grain ration cropland should rise to decrease accordingly along with commissariat unit area yield.
With the increasing of the profile shafted coefficient of gear shaper, the addendum strength will decrease.
插齿刀变位系数加大, 则其齿顶强度降低。
Adding encryption to a database application will almost certainly decrease performance, at least minimally.
With the scale growing up, the amendatory value will increase while the amendatory coefficient will decrease.
Intermittent heating and continuous heating with adding new oil could decrease acid valuevalue of soybean oil.
Position child with head of bed slightly elevated to decrease cerebral edema monitor administration of fluids.
卧床时, 床头略微抬高, 减少脑水肿, 监视补液情况。
An evaluation of a protocol established to decrease negative laparotomy in patients of penetrating abdominal wounds
OBJECTIVE To increase the accuracy rate of diagnosis of bone and joint tuberculosis and decrease misdiagnosis rate.
Treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs coupled with a decrease in activity may be just as effective, researchers say.
The decrease in foreign currency assets was mainly due to a decrease in the amount of repurchase agreements outstanding.
Objective To delve into the increase of resection rate and the decrease of death rate of aged patients with cardiac cancer.
Results 7 patients had eyeball proptosis, motive inhibition or fixation and visual acuity decrease or no light perception.
The selective reduced integration penalty method can further decrease the cost of simulation with sufficient accuracy of solutions.
Taking Bee Mucus can decrease blood fat and adjust blood pressure. It is the ideal supplemental nutrition for the diabetic patient.
With prolonged heating time the accumulation of deterioration products leads to organoleptic failures and a decrease of the nutritive value.
At the same time, it was agreed that there had been a marked decrease over the past two years in the number of detainees, primarily in police stations.
与会者还一致指出, 近两年来在警察局关押的人数减少了。
The speed of sound increases slightly with a rise in temperature and falls with a decrease in temperature. It is not affected by the pressure of the air.

单词 decrease 释义

  • 单词释义:n.减少,减少之量v.减少  [更多..]



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