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单词 definitive 例句大全,用单词definitive造句:

For atmospheric environments definitive standards have not been published yet.
Vaginal cytology can be used for inspection or biopsy to definitive diagnosis.
There has not been a decade of television without a definitive, dominant TV mom.
还没有一个年代的电视剧 没有一个强大的有利的电视母亲
Cysts should be excised and sterilized to avoid ingestion by the definitive host.
These are all aspects that impede a swift and definitive resolution of the problem.
That will ensure the appropriate way of addressing this issue in a definitive manner.
But those findings have come under debate, and definitive conclusions remain elusive.
The saintly artist adopted quite a bold and definitive drawing technique in this piece.
He said it is tough to make any definitive judgment because of the dearth of information.
他说由于缺乏信息, 现在很难做出任何明确判断。
Confusion of priorities, the confusion of goals, all add up to a lack of definitive direction.
优先次序的混乱, 目标的混乱, 还有缺乏明确的方向。
The victims families of the murder have appealed to the Supreme Court to have a definitive answer.
It's a complicated question to which medical research has not yet provided any definitive answers.
The Company will mail its definitive proxy materials to its shareholders prior to the Annual Meeting.
在股东年会之前, 公司将向股东邮寄正式委托代理材料。
So despite Thirty days has September blah, blah, blah, your 12 weeks and 0 days is indeed definitive.
Physical findings suggest the disease, but definitive diagnosis should be made with a ciliary biopsy.
The quorum acts as the definitive repository for all configuration information relating to the cluster.
The Security Council therefore has a definitive role in preventing, containing and resolving conflicts.
The newest edition of a classic the definitive guide to researching and launching an international career.
Of course, achieving a particular education level is not the definitive measure of someone's mental capacity.
Comment on Definitive Method of Antonymous Relation in Lexis Study in Special Books of Ancient Chinese Language
The terms if English version, as opposed to the Chinese translation, shall be deemed to be conclusive and definitive.
Howeer, the definitive contribution of hematopoietic cells to the pathogenesis of ectopic skeletogenesis remains obscure.
However, the time from the injury to admission to the definitive treatment center was a significant predictor of infection.
然而, 自受伤至住院部治疗中心是感染的重要预测因子。
Canineprotected occlusion was developed in the definitive restorations to decrease lateral forces on the posterior dentition.
To speak in extreme terms. To revert to the point. Back to the point. There is no firm agreement as yet. There is no definitive word as yet.

单词 definitive 释义

  • 单词释义:最后的;确定的,决定性的;不可更改的;限定的,明确的  [更多..]



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