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单词 delicious 例句大全,用单词delicious造句:

Add this peach cream to champagne and sparkling wines to produce a delicious aperitif.
The housekeeper is extremely helpful, and prepares meals which are absolutely delicious.
I particularly advise you four people to taste the sirloin steak. It's really delicious.
我特意向你们四个人推荐这道牛腰排骨, 味道真的不错。
Delicious fresh scallop meat and is internationally recognized, senior aquatic products.
Almond butter is also delicious as well and a little higher in protein than peanut butter.
杏仁黄油同样也是可口的, 蛋白质含量比花生黄油更高。
It is highly valued with delicious color and abundant nutrition, and praised as rare fruit.
The delicious flavor can be enhanced immediately when adding a little to the soup and dish.
If the Angelica slices are sterling, this dish would be more delicious smell more aromatic.
There was only one fly in the delicious ointmenthe hated to appear in public with his wife.
The dinner is so delicious. The dishes are complete with color, aroma, taste and appearance.
Xiao Hai's adoptive mother is very kind to him, often buying delicious things for him to eat.
小海的寄母对他非常好, 经常给他买好吃的。
But seems very delicious and delicious on the plate in the orange bottom by the dark blue frame.
深蓝色框边而橙黄底的盘子上, 显得特别美味与可口。
Study on the development process and phenological phase of the seed coat of Golden Delicious apple
The Morphology and Phenological Phase during Fruit Growth and Development of Golden Delicious Apple
Were you to argue, object, and annoy me for a year, I could not forego the delicious pleasure.
Effect of Plant Motive2003 on Mineral Nutrient Levels of RedChief Delicious and Yinhong Apple Leaves
Effect of Plant Motive2001 on Mineral Nutrient Levels of RedChief Delicious and Yinhong Apple Leaves.
None of the most delicious and aromatic coffee could make her happier than a big bowl of soybean milk.
再香浓顺滑的咖啡, 也不如一大碗豆浆让她感兴趣。
All the pastry and dumplings here are of high quality and healthy, and are delicious and safe for eating.
Study on the predictive dynamic temperature model of Golden Delicious apple fruit during heat shock treatment
One of the healthiest cuts of beef is the flank steak which, when prepared correctly, is absolutely delicious!
She likes strawberries very much because this aggregate fruit is not only good-looking but also very delicious.
This Cabernet Sauvignon offers a delicious aroma fresh red cherries and sweet vanilla with a light herbal touch.
Light Quality Distribution in Different Altitudes and Its Correlation with Fruit Quality of Golden Delicious Apple Tree
Effect of Water Stress in Spring on Senescence and Abscission of Leaves on Different Position in Golden Delicious Apple Trees.

单词 delicious 释义

  • 单词释义:美味的;美妙的;令人愉快的  [更多..]



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