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单词 book 例句大全,用单词book造句:

Once in a blue moon, you will find a valuable book in the secondhand book stores.
你几乎很少在旧书店? ? 有价值的书。
Once you have chosen a book, you should read the whole book and not its excerpts.
Read and turn the book page by page. Return book to original place after reading.
Upon completion, application will be credited to the Guinness Book of World Book.
A day, the scholar replies a house midday suddenly, accost book child take a book.
Maybe you want a book about Los Angeles, or do you want an American History book ?
There is an introduction in the front of the book, which tells you about the book.
Book I also explores the wisdom of The Book of Changes from a business perspective.
Book block of processing book block made is to be conducted outside the production line.
At the front of the book is a table of contents, giveing details of what is in the book.
My book will be in the stores next year, the publisher accepted the book that I sent him.
starched reinforced fabric used to strengthen a book binding or the spine of a bound book
Starched reinforced fabric used to strengthen a book binding or the spine of a bound book.
Buying book, reading book, writing book, book is their durable fashion clothes and cosmetic.
Some schools will provide the recommended book list and stipulate the busy book specification.
Lower book cover down onto adhesive end sheet.Press back cover down on book.Alignment is assured.
It's not difficult to publish a book, but the point is that we can't get a book registration number.
On the Discrepancy of Comment on Li Shangyin between Old Tang History Book and New Tang History Book
论新唐书, 旧唐书对李商隐评价之差异
From the reasoning of conception, the author considered book spine as the chine and back bone of book.
通过概念的层推, 笔者认为书脊就是书的脊梁, 中枢。
Teacher's book, in accordance with the contents of the student's book, provides systematic explanation.
When reading the book, we should keep at least a 25cm distance from the book in order to protect our eyes.
I mark with circle on the traditional thread binding book and underline with red pencil on the foreign book.
Article 23 The account books to be established by a business are general chronological book and general ledger book.
第23条商业必须设置之帐簿, 为普通序时帐簿及总分类帐簿。
To believe unconditionally what the Book of History says is worse than if there were no Book of History in existence.
尽信书, 则不如无书。
The way of reading a book which I follow has three points: reading a book is good, be keen on reading, read a good book.

单词 book 释义

  • 单词释义:书,著作;本子;成册的东西;账簿,名册;(长作品的)篇/卷/部  [更多..]



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