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单词 bloodshot 例句大全,用单词bloodshot造句:

He didn't sleep for two successive nights, so his eyes are bloodshot.
His eyes turned bloodshot,and he was metamorphosed into a raging fiend
My eyes were red and bloodshot. I had lost weight and was as thin as a bean pole.
我两眼布满血丝, 体重下降, 瘦得像根竹竿。
He paced up and down the study in a frenzy, his eyes bloodshot and his teeth clenched.
他疯狂地在书房里绕着圈子, 眼睛全红了, 咬着牙齿
Then she continued, as she cast her bloodshot, spectrelike eyes upon the ruffians in turn
接着她睁大那双血红的眼睛, 对那伙匪徒扫去, 继续说
The pulse was being very fiercelyPens face was haggard and hothis eyes were bloodshot and gloomy.

单词 bloodshot 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.充血的,有血丝的  [更多..]



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