Here are three scenarios in which preemptive cyberattacks could prevent bloodshed.
It was a way of settling disputes without incurring the bloodshed of a major battle.
它可以解决纠纷 避免战争中血流成河的局面
But if some people are bent on provoking bloodshed, what are we going to do about it.
War is politics with bloodshed and exacts a price, sometimes an extremely high price.
战争是流血的政治, 是要付代价的, 有时是极大的代价。
Prepare chains, because the land is full of bloodshed and the city is full of violence.
要制造锁炼 为这地遍满流血的罪,邑充满强暴的事。
God did not create humans for aggression, bloodshed, rancour, selfishness and destruction.
We know great power comes to those willing to take it, and nothing comes without bloodshed.
我们明白力量择人而聚, 凡事必经流血。
We mourn for the victims on both sides, and we call for an immediate halt to the bloodshed.
Over the past month, there has been further violence and bloodshed in the West Bank as well.
Ventress hails from Rattatak, a barbaric world where violent bloodshed is a daily occurrence.
她出生于拉塔塔克, 一个到处充满流血冲突的野蛮世界。
Bloodshed, hatred, waste of resources, and deplorable conditions had usually been the result.
Traveling in Cambodia Corruption and cupidity, luxury and poverty, bloodshed and Wicca!
The world community should not allow the unconscionable bloodshed in the Middle East to go on.
The Soviet Union to which it gave birth fell some 70 years later, with scarcely any bloodshed.
I explained, in realistic terms, the formula that could lead to putting an end to the bloodshed.
Over the past four years, bloodshed and chaos in the Middle East have continued without respite.
Despite all the efforts and appeals for peace, the bloodshed continues unabated in the Middle East.
A curse on him who is lax in doing the LORDs work! A curse on him who keeps his sword from bloodshed!
It can therefore be said that politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed.
It is our earnest hope that our meeting today will contribute to the cessation of violence and bloodshed.
Investigations into the bloodshed, which ended after a governmentsponsored peace deal, appear to have ended.
这些争斗至少造成了双方1000人死亡, 上万人流离失所。
The headquarters of a people's elected leader are being systematically taken apart with violence and bloodshed.
This is a bitter lesson taught by the bloodshed resulting from the law of the jungle in different parts of the world.
Behold, then, I smite My hand at your dishonest gain which you have acquired and at the bloodshed which is among you.
But Ephraim has bitterly provoked him to anger his Lord will leave upon him the guilt of his bloodshed and will repay him for his contempt.