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单词 block 例句大全,用单词block造句:

Clinical observation of upper abdominal tumor operation by using epidural two spot block anesthesia
The inside small slide block will recede first and the parent slide block have to postpone sliding.
此处大滑块上走小滑块, 小滑块要先退, 大滑块要做延迟。
Engineers will conduct a block by block inspection of the monuments exterior over the next five days.
ConfigurationBlock. The Data Access Application Block uses this to read its configuration information.
Typically, secretkey algorithms, called block ciphers, are used to encrypt one block of data at a time.
通常, 私钥算法用于一次加密一个数据块。
Clinical Efficacy of Local Block Therapy in Treating Abnormal Sensation at Pharynx Induced by Irritant Gas
Notice that the individual statements within the block end with semicolons, but the block itself does not.
The main truss chord block and side of the positioning accuracy is the overall precision control beam core.
One of her assignments is to form a lump of clay into a block and then measure the dimensions of the block.
Construction supervision treatment of project accident caused by quality, building block and block building.
The preferential reference block can be reconstructed from the coding block frame inside the embedded frame.
If a single bit of the cipher text block is mangled, the corresponding plain text block will also be mangled.
如果密码文本块中有一个位出错, 相应的纯文本块也将出错。
Isothermal Block. The thermally conductive block that equalizes the temperature of all thermocouple connections.
The periphery of the regulating block is provided with a regulating rod sleeve which contacts the regulating block.
Comment on Block Application in Accumulating and Alternating in in Ceramics Model Design void space in packing system
The driller slowly hangs off the traveling block or top drive in accordance with the derrickman's or floorman's signal.
根据架工或钻工的手势, 司钻慢慢的下放游动滑车或顶驱。
Data exchange between highfrequent erased block and lowfrequent erased block is adopted to even the erasure distribution
该方法通过高低频数据互换, 有效均衡了擦除分布
A clinical observation of analgesic effect of paracervical block of lidocaine hydrochloride in induced abortion operation
I think DKs may end up stacking a lot of dodge and parry just because they cant benefit from block percent or block value.
Abnormal left ventricular contraction revealed by impedance cardiogram in patients with bundle branch block and cardiomyopathy
The Study and Development Suggestion for Abnormal High Pressure, Low Permeability Reservoir in Wei79 Block in Pucheng Oilfield
The Study and Development Suggestion for Abnormal High Pressure, Low Permeability Reservoir in Wei77 Block in Pucheng Oilfield.
and B, accessing the flash memory based on the binding table of the physical block and the recording table of the fragmentary block.
Polyphenols, the compounds found in red wine, help your body block fat absorption, an Israeli study found. Redwine marinades work, too.
The invention provides a single block fluid injection device and a preparation and control method of the single block fluid injection device.

单词 block 释义

  • 单词释义:一块,一批;立方体;大楼;街区;一片土地;障碍(物),拦截  [更多..]



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