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单词 bird 例句大全,用单词bird造句:

Bird have food of early astir, insect having been eat to bird of early astir.
They started to give the actor the bird when they saw his performance was bad.
Student Swallow is the bird beside sparrow, sparrow is the bird beside swallow.
学生麻雀旁边是燕子, 燕子旁边是麻雀。
The Attraction of Wild Bird and Recall of Abandoned Heronry Using Captive Egrets
He was confined by the emperor, living like a fish in a pond or a bird in a cage.
eat like a bird She eats like a bird. A small piece of bread will be enough for her.
她的饭量特别小, 吃一小块面包就够了。
Bird We are gonna get the ball to Bird, win this thing and get the hell out of here.
Archaeopteryx, which is a bird, a primitive bird, still has that very primitive hand.
始祖鸟,其实是鸟,一个鸟类的先祖 还有着先祖的手掌
Standing on the bird watching of the Lake Water Bird Park, we are watching the birds.
A nest is to a bird what a house to a man. Who can tell me the meaning of this sentence?
stately heavybodied aquatic bird with very long neck and usually white plumage as adult.
Banding is under the permission of Taiwan Bird Banding Center of Bird Federation Taiwan.
South American game bird resembling a gallinaceous bird but related to the ratite birds.
It is difficult to shoot a flying bird, especially a small bird flying high up in the sky.
This bird, sharp of eye and deft of beak, can accurately peck the flying insects in the air.
这只鸟眼疾嘴快, 能准确地把空中得飞虫啄住。
This bird, sharp of eye and deft of beak, can accurately peck the flying insects in the air.
This bird, sharp of eye and deft of beak, can accurately peck the flying insects in the air.
The duke treated the bird distinguished guest. In consequence, he tortured the bird to death.
Seeing to the sohu made that bird activity to provide an opportunity for a lot of bitchy person.
In addition to park area, habitat heterogeneity may affect distributions of specific bird species.
The large black bird started jumping up and down, its wings throwing bird seed in every direction.
那只大黑鸟开始跳上跳下的, 它的翅膀扇得鸟食到处都是。
The Attempting to Anificially Incubate Eggs of Apes apus pekinensis Abandoned and Feed the Young Bird
Bird Once engraved on stone The bird is under compulsion How far does the stone fly How far does the bird do
Wrap the dead bird with the absorbent towels and remove any other body fluid discharged from the bird at the same time.
But hunters in41 other states including Wisconsin, where the bird is the officially designated symbol of peace have made the mourning dove the most popular game bird in the United States.

单词 bird 释义

  • 单词释义:鸟,禽;某类人;〈俚〉姑娘,妞  [更多..]



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