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单词 blanket 例句大全,用单词blanket造句:

Roll the casualty back over the blanket roll to lay face up on the blanket.
将伤患的背部滚到毛毯上, 使其面部朝上。
A printing plate and blanket surface diameter of doubling is also different.
Design of Electronic Switch for Automatic Thermostat Electric Heating Blanket
It also grants a blanket amnesty for all crimes committed during the conflict.
Night wind whistled, sleeping in bed, warm blanket is difficult to fall asleep.
夜里寒风呼啸, 睡在床上, 暖暖的被窝却难以入睡。
Blanket thickness gauge An instrument for measuring the thickness of a blanket.
You can display the blanket wash its surface skin with a layer of talcum powder.
可不兵橡皮布清洗肮脏后, 在其暗地涂擦一层滑石粉。
The Simulation and Microscopic Appearance Analytic Method of Electric Blanket Fire
Later stretch hand, simply took the battery out the alarm, attempted to hide blanket.
Fire risk analysis on electric hating blanket and burning residue analysis technology
We were all having a good time until Harold walkedin and started acting a wet blanket.
我们一直玩得很开心, 可阿诺德来了之后大家都很扫兴。
There is abed in the middle of the room. There is a blanket and a comforter on the bed.
卧室中间有一张床, 床上有一张毯子和一张被子。
When she awoke, she found herself snugly tucked up on the bed, with a blanket over her.
Unroll the blanket and then roll the edges of the blanket to each side of the casualty.
I dared not to touch the blanket again and just used the clothes instead of the blanket.
To extend the service life of rubber blanket be appropriate to lower the cost of production.
Porduct Textile, polar fleece blanket, antipilling blanket, camping blanket, beach bed, etc.
主营产品纺织品, 双面绒化纤毯, 野营毯, 沙滩床等。
Barely visible, fence peaks out from underneath a blanket of snow in Grand Teton National Park.
大提顿国家公园空旷且可见度高的山峰上, 木桩破雪而出。
Blanket cylinder In an offset printing press, the cylinder around which the blanket is clamped.
Bone or Cartilage Slice Blanket Graft to Reconstruct Lateral Attic Wall for Tinnitus and Deafness
In printing, it is the resistance of materials such ad rubber blanket, paper, etc, to indentation.
Consider installing a fire extinguisher and fire blanket which is easily accessible in the kitchen.
The embattled administration is facing a blanket indictment from the media for defrauding the public.
And from three aspects as masonry mortar, plaster mortar and the roof leveling blanket the actions are discussed.
The barrow was got ready and the corpse placed on it, covered with a blanket, and bound to its place with the rope.

单词 blanket 释义

  • 单词释义:毯子;厚层;蒙蔽之物  [更多..]



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