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单词 bombsight 例句大全,用单词bombsight造句:

And what did the Norden bombsight do?
The Norden bombsight is the Holy Grail.
诺顿的投弹瞄准器被 视为圣杯
It's called the Norden Mark 13 bombsight.
And the bombsight will tell him when to drop the bomb.
Well it is the grandson of the Norden Mark 13 bombsight.
And the Norden bombsight doesn't work as well under those conditions.
诺顿的投弹瞄准器在这样的条件下 表现不佳
And that's the greatest irony of all when it comes to the Norden bombsight.
诺顿投弹瞄准器的 最大讽刺也就在此
the member of a combat aircraft crew who operates the bombsight and drops the bombs
There's a postscript to the Norden story of Carl Norden and his fabulous bombsight.
诺顿还有他的 投弹瞄准器的故事 还有个后记
And as was typical with the Norden bombsight, the bomb actually missed its target by 798 ft.
如同其他的诺顿瞄准器一样 炸弹偏离的目标八百英尺
And by the way, all those precautions to keep the Norden bombsight out of the hands of the Nazis?
那些为了不让 纳粹获得诺顿瞄准器的防范措施又如何呢?
But most of all, the Norden bombsight required the bombardier to make visual contact with the target.
最关键的是 使用诺顿瞄准的投手 得目视看到目标
Now I cannot tell you how incredibly excited the U. S. military was by the news of the Norden bombsight.
美军得知了 诺顿投弹瞄准器后 他们的兴奋 是难以言表的
And whenever the Norden bombsight is taken onto a plane, it's escorted there by a series of armed guards.
每一架诺顿瞄准器被安放到飞机上时 都有一队军队护送

单词 bombsight 释义



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