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单词 boldly 例句大全,用单词boldly造句:

You have nothing to fear; boldly take the share which is due to your modesty.
They also boldly championed the Christian ethic and Western Culture tradition.
Insitead of running away from difficulties, you ought to face up to them boldly.
你应该勇敢地正视困难, 可不能见了困难就躲。
The dark silhouette of the castle ruins stood out boldly against the fading light.
Her slateblue skirts were kilted boldly about her waist and dovetailed behind her.
This afternoon and young Du, bright went to enjoy boldly together slightly gathers.
Upon this, the men plucked up their courage and went boldly up to the palace doors.
We must make the experiment boldly and must not fear wolves ahead and tigers behind.
要大胆试验, 不要前怕狼, 后怕? ?
I hope that you will boldly push the economy ahead and expand the productive forces.
the valiant warrior kings,with head and hands boldly uplifted in the sight of heaven
the valiant warrior kings, with head and hands boldly uplifted in the sight of heaven.
We must make the experiment boldly and must not fear the wolves ahead and tigers behind.
However, in facing the public sunflower flowers, not pessimistic, still boldly blooming.
但葵花面对众花, 不悲观, 依旧大胆地绽放。
She boldly, unblinkingly, even pugnaciously, wrathfully even, when her bottle was empty.
她激烈的,癫疯的 整个人防空
The veil is rent; enter into my presence, and approach boldly to the throne of my grace.
Because of the power of his message, Paul could live positively, courageously and boldly.
Research of philosophy and social sciences should be steadily on grow and boldly innovated
Only this sturdy person dared speak boldly to uphold justice, may be able to affect people.
He came out boldly to assist the society when the country was in danger. He is a real hero.
More important, we shall not allow minor reverses to discourage us from moving boldly forward.
Every member of ASEAN and carrying on reforms and restructures in many areas boldly and resolutely.
The participants have spoken their minds freely and fully and have boldly aired their honest opinions.
大家敞开思想, 畅所欲言, 敢于讲心里话, 讲实在话。
Huang Xingguo said that the happy blueprint already drew, the bugle which advances boldly already sounded.
黄兴国说, 美好得蓝图已经绘就, 奋进得号角已经吹响。
We have to become adept at identifying young promising scientists and technicians and boldly give them responsible work.
There should not only be belief without thinking while reading. You must raise questions boldly, be diligent at taking notes and analyzing materials, looking for correlations between them. This is a way of learning.

单词 boldly 释义

  • 单词释义:大胆地,显眼地;冒  [更多..]



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