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单词 bit 例句大全,用单词bit造句:

Sukoshizutsu bokura wa otona ni natte but weve grown up bit by bit.
Communication frames begin with a start bit and end with a stop bit.
串口通讯以起始位开始, 以终止位结束。
We cherish and wish to record bit by bit of your wedding from heart.
我们珍视它, 愿用心去记录你的点点滴滴。
Parity bit an extra bit added to a byte for error detection purposes.
The least significant bit of each block is reserved as the parity bit.
BIT by bit, the entrails of Frances onetime ruling elite are spilling out.
Knowledge is accumulated by bit by bit to go, quick success, often nothing.
A big bug bit the little beetle but the little beetle bit the big bug back.
I know you talked a little bit about that and can you explain a little bit ?
Open up the window a little bit more. Close up the window a little bit more.
小一点和大一点, 还真不大懂得表达呢。
The government's policies bit by bit led to the country's economic recovery.
Then it felt like something just jumped up and bit me. Aah! Something bit me!
And I had a little bit of a, it was very private, a little bit of a meltdown.
I add a little bit of inert gas, there's a little bit more entropy of mixing.
加入一点惰性气体, 就会有一点混合熵。
Day with us a long time and slowly, bit by bit aftertaste, as if just yesterday.
我们在一起的日子蔓蔓的苌玖, 回味点点滴滴, 坊佛就在昨天。
A bit more growth and a bit less austerity might take the edge off public anger.
It would likely have done a bit better if its internal antenna were a bit stronger.
它可能会好一点, 如果做了内部天线得稍增强。
Bit fields of arbitrary size. Bit fields are a complex, inefficient feature rarely used.
任意长度位字段。位字段是一种复杂, 低效而罕用的特性。
On the Origin and Development in Song Dynasty of Death Penalty by Cutting Flesh Bit by Bit
I continued to make money, and finally, bit by bit, accumulated enough to enable me to go abroad.
我不停地挣钱, 终于一分一分攒够了出国的钱。
A bitter biting bittern bit a better brother bittern, and the bitter better bittern bit the bitter biter back.
Structure of artificial diamond bit tool influenced efficiency cutting rock. Trapezoidal laminal bit tool was adopted.
Sur the conference spirit, four indoleses of advertisements bit will be toed down Dont auction off an acquisitive advertisement bit
The gnat bit the cat. The gnat bit the cat which scratched the elephant. The gnat bit the cat which scratched the elephant which collapsed.
We can design and sidetrack cut bevel bit, core bit and eccentric bit.We can design and produce apace at the same time according the users needs.

单词 bit 释义

  • 单词释义:有点儿;稍顷;小块,部分;比特(计算机用语);刀头;嚼子;一角二分半  [更多..]



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