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单词 continuance 例句大全,用单词continuance造句:

We request a continuance of your orders, to which we shall always give our most careful attention.
我方要求你方继续订货, 对此, 我方总是给予充分重视。
A Solution to Three Types Continuance Linear Even Differential Equation of Two Times Complete Cubic
Chapter one is to research on the economical necessity of the continuance of national debts policy.
Therefore, we must be put continuance development stratagem into practice, protect natural res.
Wholeness and continuance are the characteristic divisors of landscape investigation in falls group.
We recommend the draft to your protection, and trust to be favour with a continuance of your commands.
Push department quality system and continuance improvement systrm establish and effectively implement.
The Effect of PE Teaching Factors on Continuance Development of Physical Quality of Collegiate Student
The political pressure groups that have benefited from the inflation will insist upon its continuance.
Treatment of posterior urethral disruption and stricture by using Silicone tubes continuance expansion
Care of Patients with Diabetic Foot Treated with Femoral Continuance Thrombolytic by Microinfusion Pump.
To secure a continuance of that devotion the compromises of the Constitution must not only be preserved.
要保证这种热爱的继续, 不仅要维护宪法中的妥协。
It is necessary to the continuance of life on this planet that more and more people make this discovery.
在这个星球上, 越来越多的人发现这一点, 生命才能继续。
You acceptedly put adverbials of abundance, anticipation, and continuance in foreground of the main verb.
表现频率, 可能性和连续性的状语个别放在主动词之前。
'Alas ! ' said a widow, speaking of her brilliant but careless son,' he has not the gift of continuance.'
It was on the weddingday of this beloved friend that Emma first sat in mournful thought of any continuance.
在这位好友结婚那天, 爱玛破天荒第一次闷闷不乐地坐着。
Communication as the bridge, continuance and sincerity dialogue leads to interactive and fast service style.
用具震撼力的视觉冲击, 构建企业精品外衣, 尽显品牌能量
Ejaculation canal is the continuance after abdomen of seminiferous duct crock and spermatic canal are confluent.
The Solution of the Continuance Linear Differential Equation that Coefficient Contain Four Number of Times Function.
Increase the reform strength of personnel system, improve the continuance development of general education in Tai Steel
Tenure can affect university teachers'affective commitment, relative commitment, continuance commitment and ideal commitment.
And no Person holding any Office under the United States, shall be a Member of either House during his Continuance in Office.
在合众国政府供职的人, 不得在其任职期间担任国会议员。
Several factors insure its continuance in the near future The fertility of the rural population is still very high in modern terms.

单词 continuance 释义

  • 单词释义:继续,连续,持续的时间;续篇  [更多..]



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