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单词 continual 例句大全,用单词continual造句:

NOTE Continual improvement is only applicable where conformance has been established.
Some of the leaders made continual mistakes because they stuck to their individual ideas.
This kind of determination can accomplish miracles, but it must be continual and consistent.
这种意志能创造奇迹, 但一定要持之以恒, 要坚持。
Active Participation with the Room Division team to ensure continual growth and development.
Objective To explore the clinical effect of continual airway humidification aftertracheotomy.
N.The furthest dog's continual barking nearby made people in the whole neighborhood sleepless.
The continual noise in the classroom provoked him into slapping his notebook down on the desk.
教室里不断发出声音, 他气得将笔记本狠狠地扔在桌子上。
The result of the inspection was the burnt smell came from continual abrasion of the braking disc.
Implement actions necessary to achieve planned results and continual improvement of these processes.
实施措施, 以达成所规画结果和持续性改善这些流程之所需。
The prevention of complications of continual epicural anodyne in caesarean patients 46 cases report.
Work automatically and continual discharge filtrate and dregs, automatically flush, high efficiency.
进水,出水,出渣 反冲洗连续运行,效率高。
After yesterday Yi Jianlian began, appeared very excited, in the continual two times throws goes well.
Rice has varying degrees of continual crop. It can be planted continually in the same field for years.
But curiosity about him continues, as evidenced by the continual flow of newly written Einstein books.
He is assiduous at his studies he works hard and steadily, and pays continual attention to his teacher.
他学习刻苦, 工作努力而稳定, 并且持续关注他的老师。
The continual expansion of government expenditure directly results in various fees collected at random.
According to the acoustics, continual exposure to noise of high intensity would lead to loss of hearing.
This is the burnt offering of every sabbath, beside the continual burnt offering, and his drink offering.
The environmental management system provides a structured process for the achievement of continual improvement.
Last of all to disappear were the sounds of building the echo of brick on brick and the continual whine of pulleys.
Thus shall they prepare the lamb, and the meat offering, and the oil, every morning for a continual burnt offering.
Over the past thirtyfive years, continual problems have arisen with Taiwans nomenclature in international organizations.
在过去三十五年来, 国际组织不断出现台湾问题的称呼。
Closely monitor the condition of the physical property and equipment by conducting continual inspections of the building.
持续的查看酒店建筑, 密切监测酒店和设备硬件状况。
Continual happening again and again, repeated The construction of the airport continued despite continual complaints from local residents.
尽管当地居民时常抱怨, 机场建设仍然继续进行。
Planting new peanut crop can commenly increase production more than 20% when compared with continual crops with the highest increase of 40%.

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