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单词 contiguous 例句大全,用单词contiguous造句:

The pixels of each subset may comprise a contiguous two dimensional arrangement.
The geographic center of the 46 contiguous states is located in a Kansas pasture.
In the one on the left, the characters are located in contiguous memory locations.
在左侧的表示方法中, 字符放在连续的内存位置内。
Unlike segments, sections are blocks of contiguous memory with no size constraints.
与段不同, 节是连续内存的块, 没有大小限制。
Finally we discuss contiguous mapping properties of the pairwise contiguous spaces.
Often rather and slowly hike to her mercilessly rumple contiguous she into bosom in.
常宁慢慢走到她的身边, 狠狠的将她揉进怀中。
Image maps only work if the images are contiguous in the page, such as a navigation bar.
这个技巧仅适合于比较临近的图片, 比如导航条。
Calculation Method of Longitudinal Inductive EMF Under Arbitrary Contiguous Lines Condition
Installations complete more quickly when the target media has adequate contiguous free space.
这样可以加快安装速度, 因为安装需要大量的连续空间。
The object's fields are stored in order of declaration as a sequence of contiguous variables.
In contiguous selection, however, the incoming data always replaces the currently selected data.
但在连续选择中, 输入的数据总是会替换当前选中数据。
Station Density Strategy for Monitoring LongTerm Climatic Change in the Contiguous United States.
The perichondrium of the cartilage is only partially contiguous with the periosteum of the crests.
Residents whose homes were contiguous to the incinerator complained of many respiratory illnesses.
住家紧邻焚化场的居民, 抱怨时常会患呼吸方面的疾病。
Discrete data is not necessarily homogeneous, and discrete selection is not necessarily contiguous.
The absolute storage location into which a word or the first of a series of contiguous words is loaded.
This new map provides contiguous topographic detail over a region approximately 311 miles by 249 miles.
Stem and branches with smooth bark calyx lobes reflexed scales on abaxial leaf surface contiguous or overlapping.
This allows the element in the structure to reference memory that follows and is contiguous with the structure instance.
A contiguous area of the image will be shown, with one half from the original image, the other half from the target image.
将会连续显示图像, 一半原始图像, 一半目标图像。
The license plates on the cars in the convoy did not have contiguous numbers, but rather, showed the pattern of an arithmetic series.
这个车队的车牌并不连续, 但是却呈现出等差数列的规律。
Make sure that the Tolerance value is set to about 20 and that the Antialias and Contiguous options are checked as demonstrated below.
确保容差设在20左右, 消除锯齿和连续是勾选上的, 如下图
Ground which forms the key to three contiguous states, so that he who occupies it first has most of the Empire at his command, is a ground of intersecting highways.

单词 contiguous 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.邻近的,接近的,毗边的  [更多..]



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