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单词 constable 例句大全,用单词constable造句:

A Research on Constable Development of the World Heritage Traveling Sites in Sichuan
I spit in his face, called out to the constable, and bade him take notice of my usage.
Evaluation of cardiopulmonary function and muscle strength of special Constable at altitude
The chief Constable applied for an order of mandamus directing the justices to rehear the case.
警察局申请获得履行职务令, 以命令法官重新审理该案。
Person or thing that is not the usual or regular type, esp. A special constable, train or edition
特别的事或人, 特警, 专列, 特刊
The constable who eventually took our statement had large earrings and frustrated literary ambitions.
Harkee,my girl,how far have you overrun the constable I told him that the debt amounted to 12 pounds.
However, she said she was later approached by the detective constable, who said he was disappointed in her.
尽管如此, 她说该侦缉仍在之后找到她, 对她表示失望。
This method of recruiting was introduced by the Duke of Wellington in 1826 when he became the Constable of the Tower.
This was done by the Chief Constable and the District Public Prosecutors in deciding to discontinue the investigation.
Constable Sharlene Brooks in the Canadian border city of Delta said ground, air and canine units are involved in the search.
The Relation among the Personality Factor, the Subjective Stress and the Coping Style in the Students of the Judicatory Constable Institute
The constable said he would not press charges against the young offender but that the chief inspector wanted to see him for a hearttoheart talk.
The constable was unpaid, however, and not expected to do more than carry out the law in country towns and villages where the commonest crime was likely to be the theft of someone's wash.

单词 constable 释义

  • 单词释义:警察;警员;巡官  [更多..]



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