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单词 conspicuous 例句大全,用单词conspicuous造句:

His eyes were now attracted by the most conspicuous feature of Lahaina.
It appears, for instance, to be a byproduct of conspicuous consumption.
Conspicuous is the nearly complete absence of tangential forms in nature.
When it came to cleaning up afterwards, Anne was conspicuous by her absence.
后来到做扫除时, 本应在场的安妮却因为不在而引起了注意。
Many conspicuous successes in every aspect of this topic have been achieved.
She's always conspicuous because of her bright clothes and queer hair style.
The United States is a conspicuous absentee from the WHOs war against smoking.
We had another conspicuous failure this year in the Conference on Disarmament.
The aim is to size up the situation and deal with a number of conspicuous cases.
This was the least conspicuous of the many curious aspects of my arrest and trial.
对我的逮捕和审讯有很多可疑之处, 这还是其中最不起眼的。
adj. apparent obvious conspicuous compelling noticeable notable remarkable appreciable.
The Urgent Announcement of Several Conspicuous Problems About Labor Export to Gulf Countries
The sympathetic nervous system plays a conspicuous role in regulating cardiovascular function.
Among the sciences, astronomy and astrology occupied a conspicuous place in Babylonian society.
Do not wear conspicuous clothing and expensive jewelry and do not carry excessive amounts of cash.
This is with the bankrupt General Motors to buy Hummer hulking symbol of conspicuous US consumption.
Even when you try to blend with your environment, you often feel conspicuous, alien, and outofplace.
即是当你融入环境时, 你也常感显眼, 陌生与格格不入。
Leaf blade with lateral veins abaxially conspicuous. Upper lobe of corolla apparently without flecks.
fossil arborescent plants arising during the Lower Devonian and conspicuous throughout the Carboniferous.
Flowers and fruit have been rendered conspicuous by brilliant colours in contrast with the green foliage.
Russian men wear suits with ties, riding breeches and boots, and pretty hats, making them very conspicuous.
俄罗斯族男子西装革履, 系领带, 马裤马靴加前进帽, 十分惹眼
The active education and welfare policies necessary to ease the adjustment have been conspicuous by their absence.
They occupy a conspicuous place in newspapers and magazines. They are displayed or painted on walls and even on buses.
它们展示或画在墙上, 甚至在公车上。
Rhythm, one of the most essential elements of music, and usually conspicuous by its absence in amateur playing, is emphasised throughout.
节奏作为音乐中最重要的元素之一, 自始至终都是重点。
It is bestowed for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of life, above and beyond the call of duty, in actual combat against an armed enemy force.
因其由总统以国会名誉颁发, 故又称国会荣誉勋章。

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