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单词 consign 例句大全,用单词consign造句:

If I am uncertain whether the goods I consign is dangerous goods, what shall I do
Four local drug companies have been allowed to consign products in DOH pharmacies.
To seek others outward praise equals to consign your own happiness to others hands.
追求别人表面的赞赏, 就是将自己的快乐委诸别人手中。
It would consign America to second place in our fiercely competitive global economy.
Our main business is to accept consign of government and society to evaluate real estate.
We have not is able to effect the sale of the ten pipe of wine consign to us by theeastern.
Bought house is period room, next year consign, think now a renown give up, OK How to change.
Actual consign the color of the product and sample or contract provision to allow a certain error margin.
Refer to Meeting Notice for detailed information of meeting reception, accommodation, and exhibit consign.
Our company have delivered 12 kinescope welding clampwhich Matino Company consign us to design and manufature.
And the processor of machine of 4 nucleuses table of the Intel company will be operated with next month consign again.
But imposing such rules around the world would be so hard that it would consign IFRS to join Esperanto on the dustheap of dashed dreams.
这包括考虑他们的股东, 公司管理层和其它权力。
We have good cooperation with domestic manufacturing enterprises, and offer advanced physical distribution consign equipment and professional facile service to the market.

单词 consign 释义

  • 单词释义:委托,托付;托运;寄售;用作,当作  [更多..]



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