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单词 confused 例句大全,用单词confused造句:

Was Plato confused, ? was he contradicting himself, ? was he, what was he doing?
柏拉图胡涂了吗?, 自我矛盾了吗?, 他在干吗?
Because the wheezing sounds so much like asthma, it is often confused with this.
因为喘鸣音听起来很像哮喘, 所以经常与此相混淆。
Reminds you that he will be very confused, as if love could not find a direction.
想起你, 自己就会十分的迷茫, 仿佛找不着爱的方向了。
Feeling so confused and worried after she told me we should spend some time apart.
Faced with so much information, people often feel anxious, confused and indecisive.
It argues the beautiful form and the beauty in form that what make people confused.
He in his dinner jacket, and Clara in her green dress and bare arms, were confused.
If nicotine is introduced, the cells get confused and activate the process too soon.
His ambiguous directions confused us we did not know which of the two roads to take.
Moreover, they are apt to leave voters and politicians alike suspicious and confused.
His ambiguous directions confused me , we did not know which of the two roads to take.
他模棱两可的指导, 让我们很迷茫, 不知道要怎么办。
Smart people aren't confused, Empathetic people don't worry, Brave people aren't afraid.
There is an ambiguous official notice in the food market which confused a lot of people.
菜场得墙上贴着张无头告示, 让人看不明白。
Such impairment may accompany aphasia or occur independently and be confused with aphasia.
I've got a very confused background which perhaps makes me appropriate for confused times.
我有非常混乱的经历 这也有可能使我比较适合混乱的时代
He strongly criticized the genetic industry as greedy, anarchical, predatory, and confused.
他尖锐地批判了基因工业的几大问题贪婪, 无法, 掠夺和混乱。
Apraxia of speech and Dysarthria are other speech disorders that may be confused with aphasia.
有构音障碍和言语失用等, 可能会与演讲失常失语。
I’m confused. Is it a compliment or an insult when a guy tells you that you have “a big ass”?
The more aged and sedate passed their hands over their brows as if in confused reverie or meditation
To appear to disappear, if the past if the isolated, the hazy distance continuously spread confused.
若隐若现, 若近若离, 远方的朦胧不断地扩散, 苍茫。
Civil and criminal asset forfeiture laws are often confused. Criminal forfeiture involves proven criminals.
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Torn between loving her parents one minute and hating them the next, she was confused by the ambivalence of her feelings.
as pure gold is not afraid of Being tempered By fire, so genuine leather is not afraid of Being confused with artificial leather.
真金不怕火来烧, 真皮无惧假皮冒。
Many confused elderly people, particularly those in advanced stages of Alzheimer's disease, did not respond to verbal communication

单词 confused 释义



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