All the negotiators have expressed considerable ambivalence about the prospects for peace.
Bauxite is an abundant supplyin Guangxi Province, owing considerable prospecting potential.
He is also a considerable reputation of the altar of the Republic of guqin Hunan performer.
And they gave heed to him because for a considerable time he had amazed them with his magic.
As they are generally approved of, I look forward to considerable business during the season.
由于此货受到多方好评, 在此季节中, 可望有相当数量的成交。
But don't let this minor quibble detract from miller's accomplishment, for it is considerable.
但不要让这个小狡辩减损米勒的成绩, 这是非常可观。
Considerable vibration and acoustic noise limit the application of Switched Reluctance Motors.
大的振动和噪声阻碍了 开关磁阻电机 的推广应用。
The production of raw materials accounts for a considerable proportion of the national economy.
At first blush the idea possesses considerable intuitive appeal but on closer examination it fails.
Preparatory meetings have made considerable progress in reaching agreement on some of the key issues.
在筹备会议中, 我们已就一些关键项目, 取得共识。
Considerable good work was accomplished on those issues at the previous session of the General Assembly.
在大会上届会议上, 就这些问题做了大量良好的工作。
However, considerable additional funding will be required to renovate all the courthouses in the country.
但是, 将需要大量额外资金, 对利比里亚的所有法院进行修缮。
There are considerable difficulties in clarifying the procedures appropriate for testing such assertions.
In addition, the laser scanning speed has no considerable influence on the hardness of laser melted cases.
The decision would appear to give the medical profession considerable latitude in deciding what is necessary.
Heated with water decomposition of acetylene gas and calcium hydroxide, and the evolution of considerable heat.
遇水激烈分解产生乙炔气和氢氧化钙, 并放出大量得热。
Citric acid, malic acid and soluble starch had a considerable effect on colour increasing of the pigment solution.
In the last eight years we have accumulated considerable experience in construction and scored gratifying achievements.
Besides creative writing, she's achieved considerable accomplishments in teaching, research and commentary of new poetry.
There will be a considerable advance in price for this article, and you may be unable to take advantage of this price again.
这种物品将大幅涨价, 贵公司可能无法再获得此低价。
If another five per cent of gnp were allocated to national defence, military expenditure would be quite a considerable figure.
如果拿出百分之五去搞国防, 军费就可观了
Senate leaders accumulate considerable ideological baggage, which makes it difficult for them to portray themselves as centrists.
Over the past 30 years, considerable parts of coastal tideland have been enclosed and reclaimed for agricultural land uses in Zhejing province.
He canvassed his system. No ailment was found, and he investigated again. This time he thought he could detect colicky symptoms, and he began to encourage them with considerable hope.
The strength of yarns is due, in part, to the amount of twist that has been imparted. Strong yarns require considerable twist. However, beyond an optimum point additional twist will cause yarns to kink and finally to lose strength.