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单词 content 例句大全,用单词content造句:

The content of radon gas and methane bacteria indicates obvious abnormity above the gas pool.
Correlation Analysis between Raw Coal Calorific Capacity and Ash Content and Moisture Content
原煤发热量与灰分, 水分的相关分析
The following table summarizes the tradeoffs for using links to content or copies of content.
but content and theories with the absence of the magic of teaching and learning means nothing.
但是只有内容和理论 却没有那教与学的魔力 那都是空谈。
Fructose content was the highest, whereas sucrose content was the lowest in mesophyll tissues.
A System for Forecasting the Unburned Carbon Content Based on Statistical and Abnormal Analysis
There are multiple panes of content, but there is space to only show one content pane at a time.
Study on determination of sulphur content in iron ore by high frequency infrared absorption method
The Relationship between the Starch Content of Tubers and the Dry Matter Content of Leaves and Stems
This will highly simplify the way content is placed and controlled through content delivery networks.
Paints and varnishes. Determination of soluble metal content. Determination of soluble barium content.
The prediction correlation of residues hydrogen content was given in the absence of elemental analysis.
并给出了在缺乏元素分析的条件下, 渣油氢含量的预测式。
With temperature increase, chalcopyrite content decreases, and magnetite and bornite content increases.
随温度的增加, 黄铜矿含量下降, 而磁铁矿和斑铜矿含量增加。
Paints and varnisches. Determination of soluble metal content. Determination of soluble antimony content.
For the rich performance content, frequently takes athletics diving movement the performance the content.
为丰富表演内容, 常常把竞技跳水动作作为表演的内容。
Heart word dredge applied to patient undergoing uterus content clearance after incomplete abortion by drug
Investigation on mercury content in button batteries and the proposal of the limitation of mercury content
Tobacco Determination of the content of total alkaloids content as nicotine Continuousflow analysis method.
Objective To determine the content of free and linked sulfate content of heparin and heparinlike materials.
Study on the density method for determining the absolute dry matter content of Larix gmelini tannin extracts
Development of soybean variety Zhonghuang20 with high oil content and study on breeding for high oil content
But Wikipedias English language content accounts for only a fifth of the collaborative encyclopedias content.
Improve the function of the constrictor below esophagus, avoid the countercurrent of gastric content content.
改善食管下括约肌的功能, 避免胃内容物的反流。
Regarding the silver content, with low silver content, the changes are greater than with high silver content.
Influence of the Nitroglycerin Injected into Abdominal Cavity on NO Content in Heart, Brain and Kidney of Mice

单词 content 释义

  • 单词释义:内容;目录;含量,成分  [更多..]



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