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单词 contact 例句大全,用单词contact造句:

Contact reception Reception that requires the receiver to be in contact with the signal chemical.
Finally, from the last picture above, you can see contact surface is absolutely flat and polished.
The contact deposit is controlled by the contact zone, and shows typical features of skarn orebody.
The position of executer unitcase of the contact rapidly moving to the contact position for action.
Butt contact and angular contact welding seam corrosion detection sensors were designed respectively.
Effects of drinking water in Acanthamoeba contamination of contact lens and contact lens storage cases
An Accelerated Iterative Procedure with Constant Stiffness for the Analysis of Elastic Contact Problems
Contact resistance of the interface is a mostly parameter of assessing the capability of contact point.
Rich social contact and language environment, the city lets a cerebral cortex develop to be accelerated.
Apply morning and evening, avoid contact with the eyes.In case of contact with the eyes, rinse immediately.
If you are suffering from any eye problems consult a contact lens practitioner before wearing contact lenses.
如眼睛有任何疾病, 请询问眼科医生再佩戴隐形眼镜。
Mining Electric Locomotive Traction Contact Electrical Contact Resistance and Its Impact on Production Factors
Should you have question in respect to the statement, please contact our accounts department without hesitation.
Contact. When a person makes contact with a poisonous plant that causes any type of skin irritation or dermatitis.
接触到有毒植物, 可能会引起红肿或发炎。
But the person that has invigorative feeble, blue disease is unfavorable contact blue, can accentuate otherwise illness.
All evidence to date indicates that patients have acquired their infections following close contact with diseased birds.
迄今所有证据表明, 患者在密切接触病鸟之后获得感染。
The existence of the contact resistance must be considered when accurate thermal conductivity measurements are performed.
如果要精确地测量热导率, 就必需考虑接触阻力的存在问题。
The contact angle is the angle between the tangent line at the contact point and the horizontal line of the solid surface.
The testing theory and testing method for contact resistance of electrical contact materials are introduced in this paper.
Avoid contact with the eyes. If contact occurs, rinse eyes thoroughly with water. Do not use on infants under 6 months of age.
In case of any change of rooms or particular requests about accommodation, you are requested to contact our reception personnel.
若想换房或有特殊要求, 请与他们联络。
The dinner table etiquette is the important item which in the social contact and the international contact should be fastidious.
The high contact pressure and the choice of different electrical contact materials enable high currents to be switched reliably.
Keeps contact and communication with other managers willing to collaborate in the accomplishment of the urgent requirements that arise.
The number of Aboriginal women who come into contact with the correctional system is disproportionate to their representation in the general population.

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