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单词 conduct 例句大全,用单词conduct造句:

At present, China's enterprise management of the power to conduct a new round of adjustment.
目前, 我国国内各电力企业管理层都进行了新一轮调整。
United Nations Conference on the Adoption of a Code of Conduct for the Transfer of Technology
Conduct the education of adolescent knowledge, preventing smoking and drugs among adolescents.
To adjust the means of production and production control, conduct tests and take limIt'samples.
Prepare checks in accordance with the authorized payment requests to conduct payment activities.
Accordingly its dress, dress up, the figure that conduct behavior matters to a company directly.
We bestowed aforetime on Abraham his rectitude of conduct, and well were We acquainted with him.
Surrender will conduct the business of life insurance companies a great deal of adverse effects.
The High Administrative Court may entrust the local courts to conduct the preservation of evidences.
高等行政法院实施保全证据, 得嘱讬地方法院为之。
No ones idea of excellence in conduct is that people should do absolutely nothing but copy one another.
Real Networks accuses Microsoft of pursuing a broad course of predatory conduct over a period of years.
You would adjust your conduct and even direct the course of your spirit according to hours and seasons.
你要按照时辰与季候来调节你的举止, 引导你的精神。
A person without capacity for civil conduct shall be represented in civil activities by his agent ad litem.
Two red cards for violent or abusive conduct will automatically eliminate a player from remainder of tournament.
In recent years, frequently to both Chinese and forgn academics to conduct a comparative analysis of the attempt.
It recommended that the General Assembly should adopt the revised standards of conduct as proposed by the Commission.
An Observation on the Conduct of Ophiocephalus Argus Fry Gathering to a Group and the Analysis of Ecological Adaptation
accompany, conduct, escort, chaperon These verbs are compared when they mean to be with or to go with another or others.
To conduct its work in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols.
Ministry of Public Security shall conduct centralized administration for the intermediary activities of the whole country.
conduct business accounting independently, paying taxes to the state and assuming sole responsibility for profits and losses
独立核算, 国家征税, 自负盈亏
Article32 An administrative appellant or intervenor appellant might have authorized the representative to conduct administrative appeal.
Chinese mediators also perform the role of educators of good social conduct. They educate the disputants on how to be a person of good conduct.
Emphasis on Reclaim and Supervision Tackle Both the Symptoms and Root Causes Great Achievements Obtained on Redressing Conduct and Discipline in China MSA
The workers of the sole proprietorship enterprise shall establish a labor union in accordance with the law, and the labor union shall conduct its activities in accordance with the law.

单词 conduct 释义

  • 单词释义:进行,组织,实施;表现,举止;指挥;传导(热或电);带领  [更多..]



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