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单词 communication 例句大全,用单词communication造句:

Take charge of the communication between China and German Command excellent communication and coordination skills.
Integration of optical communication devices is the development direction of current optical communication system.
Note, however, that the present invention is also effective to other wireless communication and wired communication.
但是, 本发明在其它的无线通信和有线通信中也有效。
Propaganda work in hospital always adopted two ways which are the mass communication and interpersonal communication.
Cooperative communication and cognitive radio are the key candidates for the future mobile communication technologies.
The rate of increase in communication operation turnover is rough 2. 2 times that of the communication operation income.
The Exploration of the Concept of Communication in Science and Technology Museums from the Angle of Communication Theory.
Synchronous and asynchronous communication Clients that choose to use synchronous communication will wait for a response.
Therefore, the importance of body language translation to accelerate intercultural communication is increasingly embodied.
Realization of Special Communication Network Directly Conacting to Public Communication Network and Virtual Private Network
Sometimes misunderstandings may occur in intercultural communication because of the differences in nonverbal communication.
The third is strengthening medical academic journals interactive communication, trying to construct the best ecology niche.
The communication mechanism in this paper can be extended to other communication mechanism besides serial devices in VxWorks.
The heat treater relies on verbal communication to activities concerned and has a rudimentary change communication procedure.
热处理方只有口头的沟通, 只具备非常基本的沟通程序。
Abstract This paper mainly introduces the baseband transmission and the waveband transmission of digital communication system.
It is not only the extension of vessel's traditional communication services but also a supplement for satellite communication.
Communications ICs Communication ICs A theoretical analysis of the unreasonable telephone expense in mobile communication trade
How many lines of communication can there be among four people? a secret passageway provided communication between the two rooms
The communication in Jiangying City is fully convenient, It is the significant communication hub of great river north and south.
Effects of Turbulence Aberration on the Focal Beam and Photon's Orbital Angular Momentum in the Atmospheric Optical Communication
The last is promoting the circulating communication of the medical academic periodical, try to stabilize the media ecology system.
促进医学学术期刊的循环传播, 稳定媒介生态系统。
Does not really have sufficient language to cope with normal daytoday, reallife communication, but basic communication is possible.
It should be noted, however, that the upheaval in academic communication demands more than just the solution to an economic problem.
应该指出的是, 动荡的学术传播不仅要求解决经济问题而已。
While the Microwave Communication has a strong ability to penetrate the cloud and fog, but in rain, Microwave Communication suffer from severe attenuation.
The contrast of communication in and out of Xinjiang is enormous, which is obviously shown by the fact that external communication is superior to internal one.
新疆内外交通反差巨大, 外通优于内通即是显著窥孔。

单词 communication 释义

  • 单词释义:表达,交际;通信(系统);消息  [更多..]



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